Brand market hongdae address

  • How to get to Hongdae Shopping Street?

    To get to Hongdae, take the subway line 2, the green line, and get off at Hongdae University station, in English, Hongik University Station.
    You can also take an Uber, but it's pricier, and may also be slower due to traffic.
    The only time I would recommend taking an Uber in Seoul is if the Subway is closed at night..

  • How to get to Hongdae Street?

    To get to Hongdae, take the subway line 2, the green line, and get off at Hongdae University station, in English, Hongik University Station.
    You can also take an Uber, but it's pricier, and may also be slower due to traffic.
    The only time I would recommend taking an Uber in Seoul is if the Subway is closed at night..

  • Is Hongdae station same as Hongik University station?


    1. Hongdae is the short form of Hongik University, pronounced as 'Hongik Dae Hak Kyo' in Korean

  • What is the biggest shopping street in Seoul?

    Myeong-dong is the place to go if you're planning to hit the shops during your stay in the capital.
    One of South Korea's prime shopping districts, it has dozens of department stores, shopping malls, and street side shops..

  • What is the full name of Hongdae?

    Hongik University, or better colloquially known as 'Hongdae,' is the symbol of art in Korea.
    It is home to a famous art school, and many painters, musicians, writers and designers are based around the school.
    They draw, paint, write and play music there..

  • What line is Hongdae station on?

    Hongik University Station (Korean: 홍대입구역; Hanja: 弘大入口驛; RR: Hongdae-ipgu-yeok) is a station on Seoul Subway Line 2, AREX and the Gyeongui–Jungang Line..

  • Where in Seoul is Hongdae?

    Hongdae (Korean: 홍대) is a neighborhood in Seoul, South Korea near Hongik University, after which it is named.
    It is known for its urban arts and indie music culture, local shops, clubs and entertainment..

  • Where is Hongdae located?

    Hongdae (Korean: 홍대) is a neighborhood in Seoul, South Korea near Hongik University, after which it is named.
    It is known for its urban arts and indie music culture, local shops, clubs and entertainment..

  • As one of the most representative shopping areas in Seoul, Myeongdong includes not only high-end clothing stores and cosmetics stores, but also many amazing food shops.
  • Hongik University Station (Korean: 홍대입구역; Hanja: 弘大入口驛; RR: Hongdae-ipgu-yeok) is a station on Seoul Subway Line 2, AREX and the Gyeongui–Jungang Line.
Website: Official Market A. Market A Hongdae Branch 2. Address: 서울 마포구 와우산로27길 39 (39 Wausan-ro 27-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul). Hours: 12:00-23:00.


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