Building materials skyrim id

  • How do I find my Skyrim item ID?

    On PC, you can find its ID with the help "Item" 0 command, then use player. additem ###### .
    A nearly complete list of all items with their IDs can be found on the Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages [UESP] Wiki.
    I know you "prefer" not to do that, but it's your only option..

  • How do you use item ID in Skyrim?

    To spawn items while playing Skyrim:

    1. Press the tilde key (~) to bring up the cheat console
    2. Type "player
    3. . addItem" followed by the item code and the desired quantity.
      For example, to add 9,999 gold to your inventory, enter: "player.addItem 000000.
    4. F 9999"
    5. Press Enter

  • What are the building materials for in Skyrim?

    Iron Ingots are required to create fittings, hinges, nails, and other items for your household.Corundum is required to make locks, which are part of every door in your home.Leather strips and animal pelts are required to make mounted animal heads.
    Goat horns are required to make many light fixtures..

  • What do you need building materials for in Skyrim?

    You can buy all three materials from your steward, if you have one.
    Lumber can be bought from any mill, clay and stone can be mined from the veins around the house.
    The veins pretty have an infinite amount.
    The rest of the materials such as nails, hinges, fittings are crafted from a forge or anvil from iron ingots..

  • What is the ID number for sawn logs in Skyrim?

    Sawn Logs[edit]
    They are hidden, weightless items (ID: xx00300e) which do not show up in your inventory or affect your carry weight..

  • Where do I find building materials in Skyrim?

    You can buy all three materials from your steward, if you have one.
    Lumber can be bought from any mill, clay and stone can be mined from the veins around the house.
    The veins pretty have an infinite amount.
    The rest of the materials such as nails, hinges, fittings are crafted from a forge or anvil from iron ingots..

  • To spawn items while playing Skyrim:

    1. Press the tilde key (~) to bring up the cheat console
    2. Type "player
    3. . addItem" followed by the item code and the desired quantity.
      For example, to add 9,999 gold to your inventory, enter: "player.addItem 000000.
    4. F 9999"
    5. Press Enter
  • AddItem 0300.
    1. A69 10
    2. ." The player can also type in "player.
      PlaceAtMe 0300.
    3. A69" to spawn Glass directly in front of their character
  • From within the game, you can find the correct ID by opening the console and clicking on an object from that add-on, or by using the help command with an add-on specific object.
    Leading digits which are unique are: 00 Those IDs are used by the original Skyrim (Skyrim.
  • Sawn Logs[edit]
    They are hidden, weightless items (ID: xx00300e) which do not show up in your inventory or affect your carry weight.


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