Building materials lebanon

  • What is the main industry in Lebanon?

    Leading industries in Lebanon include the manufacture of food products; cement, bricks, and ceramics; wood and wood products; and textiles..

  • Lebanon offers plenty: from ancient Roman ruins, to well preserved castles, limestone caves, historic Churches and Mosques, beautiful beaches nestled in the Mediterranean Sea, world-renowned Lebanese cuisine, nonstop nightlife and discothèques, to mountainous ski resorts.
We trade, manufacture and supply materials that serve all your phases of construction, from excavation until finishing.
Building materials lebanon
Building materials lebanon

Israeli attack on Palestinian forces in Lebanon

The 1973 Israeli raid in Lebanon took place on the night of April 9 and early morning of April 10, 1973, when Israeli army special forces units attacked several Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) targets in Beirut and Sidon, Lebanon.
The operation is generally considered to have been part of Operation Wrath of God, Israel's retaliation for the Munich massacre at the Summer Olympics in 1972.
Anjar (meaning unresolved or running river; Arabic: عنجر / ALA-

Anjar (meaning unresolved or running river; Arabic: عنجر / ALA-

Place in Beqaa Governorate, Lebanon

Anjar (meaning unresolved or running river; Arabic: عنجر / ALA-LC: ‘Anjar; also known as Hawsh Mousa, is a town of Lebanon located in the Bekaa Valley.
The population is 2,400, consisting almost entirely of Armenians.
The total area is about twenty square kilometers.
Since 1984, the ruins of the Umayyad settlement of Anjar are recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.


Home rule municipality in Pennsylvania, United States

is a township with home rule status in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, United States.
The population was 34,075 at the 2020 census.
It is a suburb of Pittsburgh.
Established in 1912 as Mount Lebanon, the township was a farming community.
With the arrival of the first streetcar lines and the development of the first real estate subdivision, both in 1901, it became a streetcar suburb, offering residents the ability to commute to Downtown Pittsburgh.
Further, the opening of the Liberty Tunnel in 1924 allowed easy automobile access to Pittsburgh.
In 1975, the renamed Mt.
Lebanon adopted one of the first home rule charters in Pennsylvania.
The Multinational Force in Lebanon (MNF) was an international peacekeeping force created

The Multinational Force in Lebanon (MNF) was an international peacekeeping force created

International peacekeeping force in Lebanon from 1982-84

The Multinational Force in Lebanon (MNF) was an international peacekeeping force created in August 1982 following a 1981 U.
S.-brokered ceasefire between the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Israel to end their involvement in the conflict between Lebanon's pro-government and pro-Syrian factions.
The ceasefire held until June 3, 1982 when the Abu Nidal Organization attempted to assassinate Shlomo Argov, Israel's ambassador to London.
Israel blamed the PLO and three days later invaded Lebanon.
West Beirut was besieged for seven weeks before the PLO acceded to a new agreement for their withdrawal.
The agreement provided for the deployment of a Multinational Force to assist the Lebanese Armed Forces in evacuating the PLO, Syrian forces and other foreign combatants involved in Lebanon's civil war.
The Lebanese Parliament is the national parliament of the

The Lebanese Parliament is the national parliament of the

Legistature of Lebanon

The Lebanese Parliament is the national parliament of the Republic of Lebanon.
There are 128 members elected to a four-year term in multi-member constituencies, apportioned among Lebanon's diverse Christian and Muslim denominations but with half of the seats reserved for Christians and half reserved to Muslims per Constitutional Article 24.
Lebanon has universal adult suffrage.
Its major functions are to elect the President of the republic, to approve the government, and to approve laws and expenditure.

Parliamentary democratic republic

Lebanon is a parliamentary democratic republic within the overall framework of confessionalism, a form of consociationalism in which the highest offices are proportionately reserved for representatives from certain religious communities.
The constitution of Lebanon grants the people the right to change their government.
However, from the mid-1970s until the parliamentary elections in 1992, the Lebanese Civil War (1975–1990) precluded the exercise of political rights.
The South Lebanon conflict

The South Lebanon conflict

War between Israel and Hezbollah

The South Lebanon conflict, designated by Israel as the Security Zone in Lebanon Campaign, was a protracted armed conflict that took place in southern Lebanon from 1985 to 2000.
It saw fighting between Israel and the Catholic Christian-dominated South Lebanon Army (SLA) against Hezbollah-led Shia Muslim and left-wing guerillas within the Israeli-occupied Security Zone; the SLA had military and logistical support from the Israel Defense Forces over the course of the conflict and operated under the jurisdiction of the Israeli-backed South Lebanon provisional administration, which succeeded the earlier Israeli-backed State of Free Lebanon.
It can also refer to the continuation of the earlier conflict in this region involving the growing Palestinian insurgency in South Lebanon against Israel following the expulsion of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) from Jordan after Black September.
Historical tensions between Palestinian refugees and Lebanese factions contributed another layer to the Lebanese Civil War (1975–1990), which saw the Maronite-led Lebanese Front and the Shia Amal Movement at war with the PLO.
Hence, the South Lebanon conflict can partly be seen as an extension of the civil war that ended in 1990.


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