Building materials nic code

  • What is the NIC code 14101?

    Number of enterprises registered as MSME NIC Code for this item 14101 commonly relates to manufacture of all types of textile garments and clothing accessories..

  • What is the NIC code 70200?

    Consultants/ Industrial consultants under MSME NIC Code - 70200..

  • What is the NIC code for building materials trading?

    The NIC Code for General Construction is 45201..

  • What is the NIC code for manufacturing of bricks?

    Clay Bricks Manufacturing - Profile No.: 241 NIC Code: 23929 CLAY BRICKS MANUFACTURING 1..

  • What is the purpose of the NIC code?

    NIC code or National Industrial Classification is a classification system used to track activities undertaken by a business.
    NIC code is used by majority of the Government Departments in India to classify businesses..

  • Clay Bricks Manufacturing - Profile No.: 241 NIC Code: 23929 CLAY BRICKS MANUFACTURING 1.
  • Consultants/ Industrial consultants under MSME NIC Code - 70200.
  • NIC Code for The Hardware Business
    The NIC code for this business is usually a 5-digit number such as 47523, 47524 etc.
  • Number of enterprises registered as MSME NIC Code for this item 14101 commonly relates to manufacture of all types of textile garments and clothing accessories.
A1: The NIC Code for the construction industry is 45. This section of the National Industrial Classification Code specifically pertains to 
The NIC Code for General Construction is 45201. Under NIC 2008, Construction is categorised under Section F Division 45. The related groups, classes, and 


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