Multiple business accounts were compromised

  • Which of the following control types is focused primarily on reducing risk before an incident occurs?

    A preventive control is designed to be implemented prior to a threat event and reduce and/or avoid the likelihood and potential impact of a successful threat event..

  • Which of the following will increase cryptographic security?

    Final answer: Factors that can increase cryptographic security include high data entropy, algorithms with higher computing power requirements, longer key longevity, and the use of hashing..

  • A preventive control is designed to be implemented prior to a threat event and reduce and/or avoid the likelihood and potential impact of a successful threat event.
  • Final answer: Factors that can increase cryptographic security include high data entropy, algorithms with higher computing power requirements, longer key longevity, and the use of hashing.

Implement A Response Plan

Have a response plan to guide your actions during a data breach.
The plan should outline the steps to take when a data breach occurs and who is responsible for each action.
It’s crucial to implement the plan as quickly as possible to mitigate the damage.
Your response plan should include steps such as containing the breach, notifying stakeholders, .

Investigate The Breach

Determine the extent of the data breach and identify which data has been compromised.
You can thoroughly investigate your systems and look for any signs of malicious activity.
You should also identify the source of the breach and take steps to prevent it from happening again.
Determine what type of data was stolen, including personally identifiable.

Notify Stakeholders

Notify relevant stakeholders of the data breach, including customers, vendors, and partners.
Depending on the nature of the data breach, you may also need to notify regulatory authorities or law enforcement.
It is critical to be transparent and provide accurate information about the breach, including what data was compromised and what steps you’re .

Provide Support to Affected Parties

Provide support to any affected parties, such as customers or employees, whose data has been compromised.
This may include credit monitoring services, identity theft protection, or other forms of assistance.
Be transparent and provide regular updates on the status of the breach and the steps being taken to address it.
Consider offering a hotline or.

Secure Your Systems

The first thing you should do is secure your systems to prevent any further unauthorized access.
Changing all your passwords and revoking access to any compromised accounts is essential.
You should update or patch the affected software if the breach was due to a software vulnerability.
Consider limiting access to sensitive data and using multi-fact.


Responding to a data breach can be challenging, but taking immediate action is critical.
By investigating the breach, implementing a response plan, and providing support to affected parties, you can mitigate the damage and prevent further unauthorized access.
It’s also essential to learn from the experience and make changes to your security practic.

Can a cloud account be compromised?

In the case of cloud-based business environments, such as Office 365 and Gsuite, account compromise can lead to attackers being able to access multiple applications and potentially compromise many other accounts

There are numerous ways that accounts can become compromised

Was account a compromised by a phishing email?

As with Account B, it is possible that this account was compromised by one of the phishing emails sent by Account A

Whilst the motive of the threat actor was unclear, this may have been the result of: Credential harvesting for future use against the organization or to sell to a third party

What happens if your Office 365 account is compromised?

If accounts are compromised businesses can face costly disruption and data loss

A common occurrence is business email compromise, a form of attack in which cyber-criminals genuine Office 365 accounts to email contacts, asking for payments to be made, or requesting sensitive information


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