Business administration bs

  • Any Bachelor degree

    Is a Marketing Degree a BA or BS? Marketing majors can earn a BA or a BS in marketing, depending on their school and program.
    Typically, a BA includes more foreign language, humanities, and social science courses, while a BS includes more math and natural science courses..

  • Bachelor degrees in business

    First, and most obviously, an MBA is a graduate-level degree and a bachelor's degree is an undergraduate degree.
    An MBA can be pursued directly after earning a bachelor's degree, although many MBA programs require 2 or more years of prior work experience..

  • Bachelor degrees in business

    Is a Marketing Degree a BA or BS? Marketing majors can earn a BA or a BS in marketing, depending on their school and program.
    Typically, a BA includes more foreign language, humanities, and social science courses, while a BS includes more math and natural science courses..

  • Best business degrees

    Neither degree ranks as better than the other, but one might better suit specific career goals.
    For example, if you're interested in technical careers, you may need a BS for graduate school applications.
    In some majors, you may choose between a BA and a BS.
    Many psychology programs, for instance, offer both options..

  • Business degrees types

    The Difference Between Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science.
    While a BA (Bachelor of Arts) degree usually focuses on general studies, along with subjects like the arts, communication and sociology, a BS (Bachelor of Science) degree delves into topics such as business, technology and healthcare..

  • Is a BS or BA better?

    Neither degree ranks as better than the other, but one might better suit specific career goals.
    For example, if you're interested in technical careers, you may need a BS for graduate school applications.
    In some majors, you may choose between a BA and a BS.
    Many psychology programs, for instance, offer both options..

  • Is BA or BS better?

    Neither degree ranks as better than the other, but one might better suit specific career goals.
    For example, if you're interested in technical careers, you may need a BS for graduate school applications.
    In some majors, you may choose between a BA and a BS.
    Many psychology programs, for instance, offer both options..

  • Is business marketing a BA or BS?

    Is a Marketing Degree a BA or BS? Marketing majors can earn a BA or a BS in marketing, depending on their school and program.
    Typically, a BA includes more foreign language, humanities, and social science courses, while a BS includes more math and natural science courses..

  • What is BS in business administration course?

    The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) is a four-year program which provides professional business and management education for those who would like to become entrepreneurs or pursue a career in any field of business such as economics, finance, human capital management, and marketing..

A Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) degree is designed to provide students with a strong academic foundation in core business functions including general business administration, accounting, finance, project management, information technology, human resources, marketing, international business,
What Are Possible Career Paths with a Business Administration Degree?Sales ManagerBusiness ConsultantFinancial AnalystMarket Research AnalystHuman 

What is a BSBA program?

It all adds up to a program that gives you skills and knowledge that recruiters love

At Questrom, you’re working toward the degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA), and your major is Business Administration and Management

Our BSBA program is all about flexibility

×A BS in Business Administration is a four year degree program that teaches skills and concepts related to various aspects of business, such as management, marketing, finance, and accounting. Students can choose a concentration that reflects their interest and expertise, such as economics, financial management, or project management. The degree is practical, relevant, and current, and can be applied in diverse roles, functions, and industries. The degree can also integrate faith with learning, serve the community, and offer networking opportunities.


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