Business management quizlet

  • Business management – management of a business.
    Business management rule #1 is delegation, assign the best qualified people to each position and trust your staff to do the work instead of trying to do everything yourself.
    It includes all aspects of overseeing and supervising business operations.
Rating 5.0 (2) Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like organization, management, efficient and more.

What is management philosophy?

emphasizes management on an impersonal, rational, basis through elements such as clearly defined authority and responsibility, formal record keeping, and separation of management and ownership emphasizes the the importance of understanding human behaviors, needs and attitudes in the workplace as well as social interactions and group processes

What is the duty of a business?

The colder states in the north and northeast of the United States

The duty of a business to contribute to the well-being of society

The owners, customers, suppliers, employees, creditors, government, general public, and other groups who are affected by a firm's action

Underlying beliefs and attitudes

What is the primary work of a manager?

The primary work of all managers can be grouped within four functions: planning, organizing, implementing, and budgeting

A manager who spends most of the time on one management function or is responsible for a specific part of the company's operations is known as a mid-manager


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