Business rates administration

  • How do business rates work Scotland?

    Business rates are calculated by multiplying the rateable value (RV) of your property by the National Poundage Rate..

  • What are rates in accounting?

    Business rates are based on the value of non-residential properties and are collected by local authorities.
    Although business rates are collected locally, they're distributed nationally to pay for council-run services..

  • Business rates are based on the value of non-residential properties and are collected by local authorities.
    Although business rates are collected locally, they're distributed nationally to pay for council-run services.
  • Business rates are calculated by multiplying the rateable value (RV) of your property by the National Poundage Rate.
  • Finding my rateable value
    You can find out how much your business rates will be by checking on the Valuation Office's website and finding your property by postcode or address.
    If you think the information held about your property is incorrect, ask the Valuation Office Agency to update their records.
  • Your business rate is calculated by taking the Rateable Value (RV) of your property and multiplying it by the current non domestic rates 'multiplier' (or 'poundage').
    The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) values properties and assigns the RV.
    You can appeal against its RV if you think it is incorrect.
They are administered and collected by local authorities. Under the business rates retention arrangements introduced in April 2013, authorities keep a 


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