Business and society author guidelines

  • What are author guidelines for OJS?

    Author Guidelines
    Articles must be double-spaced, including quotations and references.
    Articles must have a title page that includes the title of the manuscript, the full name of the author(s) along position and institutional affiliation, mailing address, e-mail address, and telephone number of the contact author..

  • What are author guidelines?

    The instructions for authors (IFAs) are an individual set of requirements for a journal.
    This helps guide potential authors to construct their article in the correct way, and prepare it for submission.
    The IFAs tell you exactly what the journal's editorial board will expect to see..

  • What is the impact factor of the International Journal of Business and Society?

    The 2022-2023 Journal's Impact IF of International Journal of Business and Society is 0.237, which is just updated in 2023..

  • What is the International Business Review?

    The journal publishes original and insightful papers on the theory and practice of international business, broadly defined to embrace firms' internationalization strategies, the cross-border management of firms' operations, and comparative studies of the business environments in different countries..

  • The 2022-2023 Journal's Impact IF of International Journal of Business and Society is 0.237, which is just updated in 2023.
Full length manuscripts should be between 7000-12,000 words in length at initial submission, including tables, figures and references. Research notes should be no more than 5000 words. Manuscripts outside of these guidelines will be returned to the authors. Commentaries should be under 1,500 words.
Business & Society only publishes original research. A manuscript submitted to Business & Society should not have been published, in full or in part, in anotherĀ 
Full length manuscripts should be between 7000-12,000 words in length at initial submission, including tables, figures and references. Research notes should beĀ 


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