Litigious society business definition

  • : too ready or eager to sue someone or something in a court of law : tending or likely to engage in lawsuits. a very litigious group of people. this litigious age/society in which we live.
  • What does litigious mean definition?

    Litigious is the adjective form of litigation, the act of suing someone in court.
    If a person is called litigious that means they tend to sue people, maybe excessively..

  • What is a litigious approach?

    1 : prone to engage in lawsuits or legal maneuvers esp. to an excessive degree [a stubbornly defendant].

  • What is an example of litigious?

    : too ready or eager to sue someone or something in a court of law : tending or likely to engage in lawsuits. a very litigious group of people. this litigious age/society in which we live..

  • What is the most litigious country?

    The United States is often thought to be the most litigious country in the world.
    It does have the largest number of lawsuits.
    However, the dubious honor of lawsuits per capita belongs to Germany, with 123.2 lawsuits per 1,000 people..

  • a. : disputatious, contentious. in a litigious mood. b. : prone to engage in lawsuits.
  • Litigious is an adjective used to describe a person or company as prone to engaging in lawsuits, even if the suits are unnecessary, unfounded, or largely retaliatory.
    The adjective may also refer to something of or related to litigation.
  • On this page you'll find 15 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to litigious, such as: belligerent, combative, contentious, argumentative, and disputable.
litigious | Business English too ready to take disagreements to a court of law so that a legal decision can be made about them: litigious society/culture We live in an increasingly litigious society.


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