Eurasia business and economics society (ebes)

  • Evidence Based Education System (EBES)
Participants will find opportunities for presenting new research, exchanging information, and discussing current issues. Although we focus on Europe and Asia,  Conferences40th EBES Conference - IstanbulFuture ConferencesEBES
Qualified papers can be published in EBES journals (Eurasian Business Review and Eurasian Economic Review) or EBES proceedings books after a peer review  CONFERENCESFuture Conferences40th EBES Conference - IstanbulEBES
The Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) is established in 2008 for scholars involved in the practice and study of economics, finance, and business worldwide.

How many Ebes conferences are there a year?

EBES currently organizes 4 conferences a year:

  • One in June/July in Istanbul and others in January
  • April and October in Asia and/or Europe.
    EBES conferences, which are open to all economics and business scholars and professionals around the […] .
  • What does the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission do?

    The Board of the commission is the executive body of the commission.
    It convenes once every week at least, and is responsible for the day-to-day running of the Eurasian Economic Union.
    It has a wide range of activities, including:

  • monitoring the implementation of treaties
  • submitting annual progress reports and making recommendations.
  • What is Eurasia Business & Economics Society?

    X ABOUT EBES The Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) is established in 2008 for scholars involved in the practice and study of economics, finance, and business worldwide.
    However, the idea of creating such organization goes back to a couple of years earlier.

    What is full membership of the Eurasian Economic Union?

    Full membership gives the government of a member state one seat in the Supreme Council of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council.
    All major decisions are taken by consensus, although decisions taken by the Eurasian Commission require a qualified majority vote.

    What is Ebes?

    EBES was the intellectual development of schol ars

    In spite of the term “Eurasia ”, emphasis

    increase economics, finance, and business knowledge through academic discussions Any EBES conferences

    Since our first conference in 2009, around 14,439 colleagues from 99

    What is Eurasia Business & Economics Society?

    X ABOUT EBES The Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) is established in 2008 for scholars involved in the practice and study of economics, finance, and business worldwide

    However, the idea of creating such organization goes back to a couple of years earlier

    What is the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)?

    The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is an international economic union and free trade zone comprising countries located in central and northern Asia and Eastern Europe

    The founding member states of Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia established the union by treaty in 2014 and officially implemented the agreement beginning on Jan

    1, 2015


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