Migration business society

  • When it comes to business migration, potential migrants can follow a number of pathways to travel abroad.
    They can either take their occupational skills and experience to their new migration destination, travel to pursue higher education overseas or even go on a vacation abroad to satiate their thirst for tourism.
A global research and policy initiative that brings together scholars, business leaders, and human rights advocates to exchange expertise and generate  WebinarsMeet Our TeamAbout Us ContentsToolkits
Migration, Business & Society is a global research and policy initiative that works toward achieving migration-specific targets such as those reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN Agenda 2030 and the Global Compact on Migration.

How many articles does migration & society publish a year?

Migration and Society is 3 years old (launched in 2018) and is published by Berhahn Journals.
The journal publishes fewer than 20 articles per year (estimated by Google Scholar).
It is included in 2 of the databases used for compiling the PRIO Guide to Migration Journals (DOAJ and Scopus).
How much are the articles cited? .

What is migration and society?

Migration and Society is a newly launched general migration journal which, like some others, welcomes contributions from artists and practitioners as well as from academics.

What is South Australia's business migration program?

South Australia’s business migration program seeks to attract high quality business owners, investors and entrepreneurs who can create genuine and sustainable business opportunities in South Australia, including:

  • in the regions
  • that benefit the State’s economy
  • local businesses and the workforce.
  • What is the business of migration?

    From this wide-angle perspective, the business of migration refers to a fundamental feature of human history, and suggests commercial underpinnings and outgrowths of voluntary, sustained, and large-scale human population flows across the boundaries of sovereign political states.

    What is migration and society?

    Migration and Society is a newly launched general migration journal which, like some others, welcomes contributions from artists and practitioners as well as from academics

    What is South Australia's business migration program?

    South Australia’s business migration program seeks to attract high quality business owners, investors and entrepreneurs who can create genuine and sustainable business opportunities in South Australia, including in the regions, that benefit the State’s economy, local businesses and the workforce

    What is the business of migration?

    From this wide-angle perspective, the business of migration refers to a fundamental feature of human history, and suggests commercial underpinnings and outgrowths of voluntary, sustained, and large-scale human population flows across the boundaries of sovereign political states

    Migration business society
    Migration business society

    View that people may live in any country

    Free migration or open immigration is the position that people should be able to migrate to whatever country they choose with few restrictions.
    The Great Migrations of the Serbs

    The Great Migrations of the Serbs

    The Great Migrations of the Serbs, also known as the Great Exoduses of the Serbs were two migrations of Serbs from various territories under the rule of the Ottoman Empire to the Kingdom of Hungary under the Habsburg monarchy.

    Migration between countries

    International migration occurs when people cross state boundaries and stay in the host state for some minimum length of the time.
    Migration occurs for many reasons.
    Many people leave their home countries in order to look for economic opportunities in another country.
    Others migrate to be with family members who have migrated or because of political conditions in their countries.
    Education is another reason for international migration, as students pursue their studies abroad, although this migration is often temporary, with a return to the home country after the studies are completed.


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