Business demography statistics eurostat

  • What is Eurostat statistics office?

    Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg.
    Its task is to provide the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions.
    Eurostat was established in 1953 to meet the requirements of the Coal and Steel Community..

  • What is Eurostat statistics?

    Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union, responsible for publishing high-quality Europe-wide statistics and indicators that enable comparisons between countries and regions..

  • What is structural business statistics?

    Structural business statistics contain detailed data covering all businesses (non agricultural) broken down by economic activities and size of enterprises.
    A large number of variables are provided by annual survey near the enterprises..

  • What is the purpose of Eurostat?

    Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union (EU), situated in Luxembourg.
    Its task is to provide the EU with statistics at a European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions..

  • What is the statistical Office of the European Communities Eurostat?

    Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union (EU), situated in Luxembourg.
    Its task is to provide the EU with statistics at a European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions..

  • Where does Eurostat get its data?

    The member states produce the national data to the stipulated EU standards and send them to Eurostat so it can publish EU, euro area and national level inflation figures and so that users may make comparisons between them..

  • Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union (EU), situated in Luxembourg.
    Its task is to provide the EU with statistics at a European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions.
  • Population density in the EU ranges from 18 to 1 657 people per km\xb2 The population density, meaning the number of people per square kilometre (km\xb2), was on average 109 persons per km\xb2 in the EU in 2022.
    This value varied significantly between Member States.
  • The European Statistical System (ESS) is a partnership between Eurostat – the Statistical Office of the European Union – and the National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) of the EU and EFTA States ("EFTA at four").

How many businesses are in the EU?

In 2020, the EU’s business economy was made up of 26.3 million active enterprises with more than 131 million persons employed.
In 2020, almost 2.9 million jobs were created from 2.3 million newly born enterprises in the EU.

What are business statistics?

Size of businesses Business statistics cover industry, construction, distributive trades and most other services.

What are European Business Statistics (EBS)?

They are part of the European business statistics (EBS).
The SBS data collection has a very good coverage in terms of size classes of enterprises and their economic activity.
Thus, this source provides the most comprehensive picture of the European economy, both at country and EU level.

What is a business demography?

Business demography provides information for births, deaths and survival rates of enterprises, as well as information on related employment data.
The two main measures used for employment are the number of persons employed and the number of employees.
The demography of the business population is represented by data on:.

What do Eurostat statistics tell us about the population?

Demographic statistics are among the most popular data Eurostat produces, and they are important for almost every area of policy

This publication shows what official European statistics can tell us about how the population is developing, ageing, and much more

×Eurostat provides business demography statistics that provide policy relevant information of the economic contribution in terms of employment of newly born enterprises, enterprises surviving their first years of activity as well as high growth enterprises across the EU. For each business demographic event, employment variables are available to quantify their importance. Eurostat and OECD jointly publish a detailed description of the sources and methods used by OECD countries to compile the business demography indicators.
Business demography statistics eurostat
Business demography statistics eurostat
The National Statistics Office (GeoStat) is an agency in charge of national statistics and responsible for carrying out population, agricultural and other censuses in Georgia.
It was established as a legal entity of public law according to the December 11, 2009 law of Georgia, succeeding the Department of Statistics of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia.
The head office is located in Tbilisi.
Statistics Poland is Poland's chief government executive agency charged with

Statistics Poland is Poland's chief government executive agency charged with

Poland's principal government institution in charge of statistics and census data

Statistics Poland is Poland's chief government executive agency charged with collecting and publishing statistics related to the country's economy, population, and society, at the national and local levels.
The president of Statistics Poland reports directly to the Prime Minister of Poland and is considered the equivalent of a Polish government minister.
Statistics Sweden

Statistics Sweden

Swedish stats office and registration authority


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