Importance of business demography

  • Why is business demographics important?

    Demographics are key to businesses today.
    They help identify the individual members of an audience by selecting key characteristics, wants, and needs.
    This allows companies to tailor their efforts based on particular segments of their customer base..

Businesses often use it as a marketing tool to figure out how to reach customers best and what they do. By using demographics to divide a population into groups, companies can determine the size of a potential market. So, this field is about the characteristics of the population.
Businesses often use it as a marketing tool to figure out how to reach customers best and what they do. By using demographics to divide a population into groups, companies can determine the size of a potential market. So, this field is about the characteristics of the population.

Why is demography important?

As the science of demography becomes more important—witnessed by the fact that global ageing has high political attention—and the demographic methods have become more complex and moved into other disciplines such as mathematics, anthropology, and geography, for example, understanding demography is as important as measuring it accurately

×Demographic data is important for businesses because it helps them:
  • Understand the characteristics of the people who buy their products and services.
  • Determine their target market and create marketing materials.
  • Build a profile for their customer base.
  • Make strategic business and marketing plans.
  • Decide exactly what their product and services mixes will include.
  • Affect pricing, packaging, promotion and place.


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