Passive voice business english exercises pdf

  • Do you use passive voice in business writing?

    Business writers should use the passive voice very sparingly.
    Use passive voice only when you do not know the actor, you want to hide the identity of the actor, or the actor is not important to the meaning of the sentence.
    To change passive voice to active, identify the performer of the action..

  • What is a passive voice PDF?

    There are two voices in English, the active and the passive.
    The active tells us what the subject does, for example: - The secretary wrote a letter.
    The passive tells us what is done to the subject.
    For example: - The letter was written by the secretary..

  • What is an example of a passive voice in business?

    For example, "The manager approved the budget." In passive voice, the subject receives the action of the verb.
    For example, "The budget was approved by the manager." The passive voice usually uses a form of the verb to be and a past participle..

  • What is passive and active voice in business English?

    Overall, business communicators tend to use active voice because of its clarity and directness.
    Passive constructions are generally wordier and often leave out the person/thing doing the action.
    Still, the voices themselves are not inherently good or bad; what matters is how you use them..

  • What is passive voice in business communication?

    Passive voice emphasized the receiver of the action, and the subject of the sentence receives the action.
    When using passive voice, the performer of the action may or may not be identified later in the sentence. e.g.
    The survey was completed..

  • What is passive voice tense in business English?

    The answer to “when should the passive voice be used in business writing?” can be boiled down to the following: Use passive voice as the preferable choice when it makes sense to focus on the action or result of an action and when the agent of the action is unimportant or unnecessary to mention..

  • When should you use passive voice in business writing?

    Business writers should use the passive voice very sparingly.
    Use passive voice only when you do not know the actor, you want to hide the identity of the actor, or the actor is not important to the meaning of the sentence.
    To change passive voice to active, identify the performer of the action..

  • Where can we find passive voice?

    Another way to recognize passive-voice sentences is that they may include a "by the" phrase after the verb; the agent performing the action, if named, is the object of the preposition in this phrase.
    You can recognize passive voice because the verb phrase will include a form of be (was, am, are, been, is)..

  • Why do we use passive voice PDF?

    We use the passive voice when the receiver of the action is more important in our communication than the one who did it (the actor of the verb). o The president was assassinated this morning. 2.
    We can use the passive when we don't know who did the action. o The bank was robbed yesterday..

  • Why must you learn English passive voice?

    Grammar explanation
    We use the passive voice to change the focus of the sentence.
    We often use the passive: when we prefer not to mention who or what does the action (for example, it's not known, it's obvious or we don't want to say) so that we can start a sentence with the most important or most logical information..

  • Why use passive voice in professional writing?

    The answer to “when should the passive voice be used in business writing?” can be boiled down to the following: Use passive voice as the preferable choice when it makes sense to focus on the action or result of an action and when the agent of the action is unimportant or unnecessary to mention..

  • How To Stop Using the Passive Voice

    1. Determine the person or thing performing the action denoted by the verb, and make that person or thing the subject of the sentence
    2. Eliminate the verb form of to be, and make the past participle a correctly conjugated form of the verb (remember subject-verb agreement)
  • Sentences in passive voice are:

    Cricket was being played by Shyam.A letter was being written by him.A car is given to me by him.A bar of chocolate is given to me by her.Food is being eaten by Nidhi.Old ones should be respected.Lovely songs are sung by her.The bread was being eaten by her.
  • Business writers should use the passive voice very sparingly.
    Use passive voice only when you do not know the actor, you want to hide the identity of the actor, or the actor is not important to the meaning of the sentence.
    To change passive voice to active, identify the performer of the action.
  • Summary.
    Overall, business communicators tend to use active voice because of its clarity and directness.
    Passive constructions are generally wordier and often leave out the person/thing doing the action.
    Still, the voices themselves are not inherently good or bad; what matters is how you use them.
  • The passive voice comes into play to soften the message or idea a business writer is trying to convey.
    Examples of this are evident in documents such as credit denial letters.

Active Voice in Business Writing

Active voice is a way to take control of your writing.
When you sound confident, your reader or audience is more likely to trust what you have to say.
Passive voice often makes the writer appear unsure.
So, if you want to present a solid argument and influence your reader, learn to use active voice in your business writing.
Another benefit to writi.

Active Voice vs. Passive Voice

If you’ve used Grammarly or Microsoft Word to edit your documents, you’ve probably been chastised on multiple occasions to use less passive voice.
MS Word will even underline the sentence in squiggly red (the scary color editors use to invoke fear in a writer).
If you don’t have a proper understanding of what active voice and passive voice mean, yo.

Are there two grammatical voices in business writing?

In writing, there are two grammatical voices—active voice and passive voice.
And you may have been warned by your well-meaning English teacher to avoid passive voice like the plague.
But both voices have a right to be heard.
However, one will definitely trump the other in helping you become more adept at business writing.

Can an active sentence be made into a passive sentence?

An active sentence that does not have an object cannot be made into the passive voice.
Active voice:

  • She cried. (The verb has no object, so you cannot make a passive sentence) Active voice:An accident happened. (Again, no object, so you cannot form a passive sentence) .
  • How to Use Active Voice

    As you proof your writing, identify sentences written in the passive voice.
    Change the composition to create an active voice.
    Your goal is to make it clear in your reader’s mind who is performing the action.
    Like this: Passive:The job offer was accepted by Matt.
    Active:Matt accepted the job offer.
    Passive:An investigation will be conducted.

    How to use passive voice in writing?

    Using passive voice sparingly and active voice generously will help you to do so.
    Active voice is when the subject performs the action, while passive voice details what is happening or what happened to the subject.
    If you wish to sound confident and project clarity in your writing, opt for using an active voice rather than passive when possible.

    Passive Voice in Business Writing

    Passive voice has its place in writing.
    This is especially true in more formal settings such as legal.
    Or when presenting scientific statements.
    And what if you are reporting on an event, but you are unsure who performed the action.
    For example:.
    1) The gate was crashed down again.
    In this case, the passive construction indicates that you do not kno.

    The Takeaway

    Active voice is when the subject performs the action, while passive voice details what is happening or what happened to the subject.
    If you wish to sound confident and project clarity in your writing, opt for using an active voice rather than passive when possible.

    What Is Active Voice?

    Active voice is when the subject of a sentence performs the verb’s action.
    In other words, it tells what a person or thing does.
    The sentence is direct, strong, and easy to read.
    For example:.
    1) Horses love oats.
    2) The police chased the robber.
    3) Our business strategy expanded the network in two years.
    In each of these examples, the active voice .

    What Is Passive Voice?

    Passive voice tells what is being done or was done to the person or object.
    It is often made up of a form of the verb “to be.” It may use the past participle of a verb (e.g., is enjoyed, was eaten, were chosen).
    The sentences below are all written in the passive voice:.
    1) Oats are loved by horses.
    2) The robber was chased by the police.
    3) The netw.

    What is the difference between passive voice and active voice?

    Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action.
    The causer of the action, however, is not important or not known. (In contrast, active voice focusses on the causer of an action.) Note:

  • In an average English text
  • no more than 10 percent should be in passive voice.
    So use the passive sparingly, prefer sentences in active voice.
  • How many free printable passive voice PDF worksheets with answer keys?

    101 free printable passive voice PDF worksheets with answer keys

    Practice mixed passive voice with 2025 exercises and improve your English grammar

    How to practice passive tense?

    Listening/speaking and vocabulary exercises for practicing the passive voice

    Exercises using pictures and listening exercises encourage students to use critical thinking skills

    This helps bring alive the passive tense in a memorable way

    How to use the passive voice in English?


    Put the following sentences into the Passive Voice: a) 1

    They often invite me to their parties 2

    People speak English in different parts of the world

    3 One uses milk for making butter 4

    We form the Passive Voice with the help of the auxiliary verb "to be"


    They build a lot of new houses in this district every year

    b) 1


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