Business english employment vocabulary

  • How can I improve my business English vocabulary?

    By studying Business English you can improve your overall English language ability while targeting areas that will help you achieve your goals at work.
    These could be anything from starting on your career path, looking for a promotion, pushing for a pay rise or simply feeling more confident in your role..

  • How can I improve my business English vocabulary?

    Some common synonyms of business are calling, employment, métier, occupation, pursuit, and work.
    While all these words mean "a specific sustained activity engaged in especially in earning one's living," business suggests activity in commerce or the management of money and affairs..

  • What is the vocabulary of employment?

    PromotionAdvancement in rank or position in a company.ProspectsOpportunities for success or promotion in a career.RecruitLook for and hire personnel.ResignLeave a job voluntariily..

  • What is the vocabulary of employment?

    Reading books, articles, and news in English can help you expand your vocabulary and learn how to use idiomatic expressions in context.
    You can also watch English-language TV shows, movies, and videos to practice listening and comprehension skills, and to learn colloquial expressions and accents..

  • What is the vocabulary of employment?

    What are business vocabulary words? Business vocabulary words and phrases are terms used to describe events, outcomes, tasks, entities and processes in the workplace.
    The stronger your business vocabulary is, the better you will be at communicating important thoughts and concepts to others in your work environment ..

  • What type of vocabulary does business English have?

    Business vocabulary allows two individuals or groups to hold a simpler, clearer conversation without the need to explain complicated ideas or constantly check that information is understood..

  • 20 professional words to use to elevate your writing

    Instead of saying get, you can use the word receive. Attend.
    Instead of saying come, you can use the word attend. Assist.
    Instead of saying help, you can use the word assist. Discuss. Certainly. Modify. In Conclusion. However.
Business English is also a positive addition to a language students CV/resume as it shows potential employers that the applicant has experience with professional vocabulary, helping with communication and understanding or giving instructions.
Employment Vocabulary ; curriculum vitaen. a short account of one's education, career etc; CVUK; resuméUS; resume ; curriculum vitaeShould I list every job I' 
prospectsWhen I applied, I was told the prospects for promotion were excellent.recruitv. to look for and employ personnel or new staff - recruitment n.Most companies recruit new staff by advertising their jobs online these days.resignv. to give up a job - letter of resignation n.Employment Vocabulary | Business English | › business-english › vocabulary-employmentAbout Featured Snippets


The abbreviation “HR” stands for “Human Resources”, and it’s the part of a company that deals with matters relating to its employees.
The goal of someone who specialises in HR is to ensure that employees are happy and productive, reducing turnover of employees (that is, reducing the frequency with which employees leave and new ones are hired) and m.


The term “start-up” is used to describe a brand new business, typically in its first few months or years of trading.
The term has connotations of entrepreneurship, and the implication is often that the company will grow significantly in size.
It’s often associated with the tech industry, because the term was used extensively during the dot com boom.

What is business English vocabulary?

Business English vocabulary consists of words and phrases that are typically used in corporate environments in which English is the lingua franca.
Some specific contexts that often require this terminology are business emails, meetings, proposals, business English negotiations, newsletters, presentations, reports, calls, and conferences.

How do I learn business English?

Speak: Speak with a language exchange partner, friend, or coworker so you can practice using your business English vocabulary in actual conversations However, the most efficient means to learn business English vocabulary quickly and effectively is to sign up for corporate English training and work 1-on-1 with an experienced tutor

Let’s begin by answering the question, “Where do you work?”This seems like a simple question, but there are many ways t…


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