Business english indirect questions

  • How do you ask indirect questions?

    Indirect questions start with a phrase like 'could you tell me' or 'do you know'.
    For example: Direct question: Where is the bank? Indirect question: Could you tell me where the bank is?.

  • What are indirect questions examples?

    Are they coming with us?Do you know if/whether they're coming with us?Can you help me move on Saturday?Is there any chance you could help me move on Saturday?Did you finish the report?I was wondering if you finished the report..

  • What are the situations for indirect questions?

    Indirect questions are a little more formal and polite.
    We use them when talking to a person we don't know very well, or in professional situations, and their form is a little different.
    Example of an indirect question: “Could you tell me where the bathroom is?”.

  • What is indirect question in English?

    a question that is reported to other people in speech or writing, rather than the exact words of the original question, for example '"He asked me what was wrong.".

  • What is the function of indirect question in business communication?

    We use indirect questions when we want to sound a bit more formal, polite and less direct.
    They are used to make polite requests of people.
    For example, people we don't know, people in positions of authority or when we are asking favours of people and we want to make that request sound nicer..

  • What is the indirect question for where is the bank?

    Indirect questions start with a phrase like 'could you tell me' or 'do you know'.
    For example: Direct question: Where is the bank? Indirect question: Could you tell me where the bank is?.

  • What is the rule for indirect questions?

    When you write the indirect questions remember these three things: Start each indirect question with a polite phrase such as 'Do you know ' or 'Could you tell me '.
    We don't use auxiliary verbs 'do', 'does' and 'did' in indirect questions.
    Use 'if' or 'whether' in indirect questions if there is no question word..

  • Where do we use indirect questions?

    Indirect questions are a more polite way to ask for information or make requests.
    We often use them when asking something of strangers or people we do not know well, including coworkers..

  • Why do we need indirect questions?

    Indirect questions are a more polite way to ask for information or make requests.
    We often use them when asking something of strangers or people we do not know well, including coworkers.
    We also use them when asking for favors from friends or when we want to avoid sounding demanding..

  • Why do we use direct and indirect questions?

    There are two main ways of asking questions – directly and indirectly.
    Both have the same meaning but we use indirect questions when we want to be more polite, more formal or less confrontational.
    We can ask a direct question – Where is Brighton Pier?.

  • Some common introductory phrases for indirect questions include:

    Would you mind…?Is there some chance…?Are you able to…?Do you know…?I was hopingu202.
    1. I was wonderingu202
    2. Do you think…?Would it be possible…?
  • An indirect question can be more formal and polite than a direct question.
    This form uses an introductory question or phrase with the question you want to ask in sentence format after it.
    The difference is that the verb goes after the sentence as it would in a positive sentence.
  • We use indirect questions when we want to sound a bit more formal, polite and less direct.
    They are used to make polite requests of people.
    For example, people we don't know, people in positions of authority or when we are asking favours of people and we want to make that request sound nicer.
  • When you write the indirect questions remember these three things: Start each indirect question with a polite phrase such as 'Do you know ' or 'Could you tell me '.
    We don't use auxiliary verbs 'do', 'does' and 'did' in indirect questions.
    Use 'if' or 'whether' in indirect questions if there is no question word.
We are going to talk about these 5 indirect questions:
  • Do you have any idea…
  • Do you know…
  • I was wondering…
  • I'd like to know…
  • Could you tell me…
Remember: An indirect question starts with a phrase like “Can you tell me” or “Do you know”. Then it's followed by the question, which is in a statement word-order format: Can you tell me if this is the right way? (Not “Can you tell me if is this the right way?”
Remember: An indirect question starts with a phrase like “Can you tell me” or “Do you know”. Then it's followed by the question, which is in a statement word-order format: Can you tell me if this is the right way? (Not “Can you tell me if is this the right way?”
We use indirect questions when we want to sound a bit more formal, polite and less direct. They are used to make polite requests of people.

What are direct questions?

Direct questions are the normal questions that we can ask friends, family and people we know well.
Where is the cat.
Where does she live.
Why did she quit her job.
Indirect Questions are little bit more formal and polite.
We use them to talk to people who we don’t know really well.

What is an indirect 'yes / no' question?

Indirect questions are a way of being polite.
They are very, very common in English, especially when you're talking to someone you don't know.
To make an indirect 'yes / no' question, we use 'if' and the word order of a normal positive sentence.
This is the same as for reported 'yes / no' questions.

What is the word order in an indirect question?

Remember that the word order in an indirect question is the same as for a declarative sentence (i.e., a statement) and not an interrogative sentence (i.e., a question).
For example:

  • Where are you? (The word order is verb-subject:
  • verb ( are) then subject ( you ).) You are there.
  • Why do we use indirect questions in English?

    We use indirect questions to be more polite in formal situations – such as:

  • in work or professional situations.
    Take a look at our page on Direct and Indirect Questions in English, then try the quiz below! An indirect question starts with a phrase like “Can you tell me” or “Do you know”.
  • What is the word order in an indirect question?

    Remember that the word order in an indirect question is the same as for a declarative sentence (i


    , a statement) and not an interrogative sentence (i

    e , a question)

    For example: Where are you? (The word order is verb-subject: verb ( are) then subject ( you )

    ) You are there

    Why do we use indirect questions in English?

    We use indirect questions to be more polite in formal situations – such as in work or professional situations

    Take a look at our page on Direct and Indirect Questions in English, then try the quiz below! An indirect question starts with a phrase like “Can you tell me” or “Do you know”


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