Business english level test online

  • How can I check my English speaking level online?

    Linguaskill is a quick and convenient online test to help higher education institutions and employers check the English levels of individuals and groups of candidates.
    It combines the latest technology with the reliability and quality you expect from Cambridge..

  • How can I test my English speaking level online?

    SmallTalk's AI offers on-demand unbiased language assessment, instant results, and helpful tips to improve your English speaking.
    How does SmallTalk assess my level? Our tool recognizes and analyzes speech through cutting-edge deep learning algorithms with no human intervention and with flawless accuracy..

  • Is my English B2 or C1?

    IELTS Online is the new way to take the IELTS Academic test.
    You can now choose to take the world's leading English language test at home or in a private location with a stable internet connection..

  • Is my English B2 or C1?

    IntermediateB14.5 - 5.0Upper mediateB25.5 - 6.0AdvancedC16.5 - 7.0ProficiencyC27.5+.

  • What is the online English test to see my level?

    Linguaskill is a quick and convenient online test to help higher education institutions and employers check the English levels of individuals and groups of candidates.
    It combines the latest technology with the reliability and quality you expect from Cambridge..

  • What should I look for when assessing my student's English level?

    1. Fluency: How easily does the student speak and participate?
    2. Accuracy: How precise is the student's English?
    3. Pronunciation: How well does your student pronounce English words and sounds?
    4. Comprehension: How well does the student understand you?
It will test your speaking, reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary. Our complete English test will show you what level you are, and place you at exactly the 

Why Test Your Business English?

A free online Business English test provides quick insights into your ability to communicate in English at work.
This test provides a “jumping off spot” (a beginning point) for thinking about your professional English ability, specifically in terms of idiom.
Idiomatic phrases are “sound bites” that cannot be understood literally – but carry a lot o.


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