Business english school stuttgart

  • Business English Trainers In Stuttgart - TEFLcom

    In summary, fluency in Business English leads your team to success.
    As for the time required to achieve it, as we have already mentioned, it depends on the motivation and commitment of the collaborator.
    However, to reach the B2 level, considered the minimum for an executive, it takes about a year and a half..

  • Is German good to learn for business?

    Germany is the economic epicenter of the EU and German is the second most spoken language in Europe, making it the ideal language for companies with a desire to expand their business into this region of the world..

  • The importance of multilingualism in business cannot also be understated as language helps in interacting with clients effectively, learn their culture, and market to the various countries with different sentiments to establish a successful trading relationship.
Rating 4.7 (379) Our Business English courses focus on communication skills in a business context. You'll practice speaking, writing, reading and listening with business topics, 

What does a German school in Stuttgart offer?

You get a free all inclusive package at our German school in Stuttgart with free grammar courses, free business courses, free pronunciation trainings, free exam trainings, free special courses, placement, counseling, support, extra material and feedback talks, online course books, online platform, online material, online exercises.

What is Business Economics at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences?

The field of Business Economics is one of the largest study areas at the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences.
Founded in 2003, we have established five Bachelor degree programs and three Master degree programs - all of them successful and with unique selling points.
You can find an overview and further information here.

Where can I learn a foreign language in Stuttgart?

Our Berlitz language school in Stuttgart is your central point for foreign language classes, management and leadership training, and business seminars.

Wie finde ich den passenden Englischkurs in Stuttgart?

Sprachkurse für die Technologie- oder Finanzbranche - wo auch immer Ihr Unternehmen seinen Schwerpunkt legt, wir stellen den passenden Englischkurs in Stuttgart für Sie zusammen

Unter der 0800 / 724 33 58 oder über das Kontaktformular machen wir Ihnen gerne ein persönliches Angebot zu unseren Sprach- und Englischkursen!

Wie funktionieren Englischkurse in Stuttgart?

Die englischen Muttersprachler, die unsere Sprachkurse leiten, sind für den großen Erfolg unserer Englischkurse in Stuttgart mitverantwortlich

Alle Kurse für Business Englisch in Stuttgart werden von qualifizierten Lehrkräften begleitet, die sprachlich versiert sind und über starke didaktische Fertigkeiten verfügen


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