Business english made easy

  • How can I learn business English fast?

    Business English has more strict and clearly defined rules for vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, and prose.
    Clarity and consistency are important components of business English, which is why it focuses so heavily on things like strong vocabulary and well-written sentences..

  • How can I learn business English fast?

    Business English is a type of writing that focuses on clearer, more direct language without slang, idioms, or grammatical errors.
    Understanding business English can make you a more effective business writer, whether you're a copywriter, marketer, or business executive writing internal policy documents..

  • How can I speak business English fluently?


    1. English Grammar Practical English Usage
    2. ..
    3. Business English Speaking Speak Business English like an American
    4. ..
    5. Business English Writing How to write effective Business English
    6. ..
    7. English Business Presentations HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations
    8. ..
    9. Business English Vocabulary Cambridge Business English Dictionary

  • How is business English different from normal English?

    Business English skills are vital for getting ahead in your career.
    If working effectively in an international environment is your goal, improving your business English vocabulary and knowledge is a must.
    Generally, it will open many doors and bring new career opportunities..

  • What are the concepts of business English?

    Business English courses focus on language of economics, the workplace and your career.
    Some example Business English classes are 'Speaking in a meeting', 'Negotiating', 'Talking on the phone', and many more.
    The general English courses cover all areas of English, for all situations, with no speciality in any area..

  • What are the concepts of business English?

    The most basic example of business English is emails that are used in the corporate world.
    In this way, business English uses a writing technique called 'Technical Writing. ' This is usually a really formal and straightforward kind of writing just to get a point across while following a specific format..

  • What does business English involve?

    How to Improve Your Business English?

    1. Ask for Help
    2. Get someone to edit your written work
    3. Watch and Listen to Business-related Media
    4. Listen to podcasts
    5. Write Down New Words and Phrases
    6. Carry a notebook or keep notes on your phone
    7. Practice as Much as You Can

  • What is the difference between business English and basic English?

    Business English skills are vital for getting ahead in your career.
    If working effectively in an international environment is your goal, improving your business English vocabulary and knowledge is a must.
    Generally, it will open many doors and bring new career opportunities..

€18.00 In stockPrésentation de l'ouvrage "Business english made easy". Cet ouvrage s'adresse aux classes de Bac Pro Tertiaires (Commerce, Vente, accueil (Arcu), 


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