Business english iasi

Bachelor’s Degree


Master’s Degree

Business Administration

What is Iași known for?

Iași is home to many museums, memorial houses, art galleries.
First memorial museum from Romania opened in Iași in 1918, as the Ion Creangă Memorial House, and today the Iași National Museum of Romanian Literature owns several memorial houses and museums.

When did people settle in Iași?

There is archaeological evidence of human settlements in the area of Iași dating from the 6th to 7th centuries (Curtea Domnească) and 7th to 10th centuries; these settlements contained rectangular houses with semicircular ovens.

When was economics first taught in Iasi?

Although the faculty became part of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași no earlier than 1962, the tradition of higher education in Economics started in Iasi in 1843, with the first political economics lecture delivered by Ion Ghica at Academia Mihăileană.

Is English a good language for business?

English is now the international language of the business world

People working in business need a sound knowledge of the language of meetings, presentations, negotiations and sales and an ability to understand and develop business reports

What is a business English course?

People working in business need a sound knowledge of the language of meetings, presentations, negotiations and sales and an ability to understand and develop business reports

Our full-time, 15 hour per week Business English course responds to these needs, offering students 1 – 12 weeks of targeted practice in key business topics

What is the ethnic makeup of Iași?

According to the 2002 census, in Iași there were 109,357 housing units and 320,888 people living within the city proper

Of this population, 98

5% were ethnic Romanians, while 0

59% were ethnic Romani, 0 13% Jews, 0 13% Greeks, 0 13% Lipovans, 0 08% Hungarians, 0 05% Germans and 0 39% others


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