Business english gerunds and infinitives

  • How do you use gerunds and infinitives correctly?

    Gerunds and infinitives can replace a noun in a sentence.
    Gerund = the present participle (-ing) form of the verb, e.g., singing, dancing, running.
    Infinitive = to + the base form of the verb, e.g., to sing, to dance, to run.
    Whether you use a gerund or an infinitive depends on the main verb in the sentence..

  • What are gerunds and infinitives doing what noun phrases do?

    Both gerunds and infinitives can be nouns, which means they can do just about anything that a noun can do.
    Although they name things, like other nouns, they normally name activities rather than people or objects..

  • What are gerunds in business communication?

    A gerund is the -ing form of a verb used as a noun.
    Gerunds express actions like verbs.
    However, they function as nouns in sentences.
    Specifically, they can serve as subject, direct object, indirect object, or object of a preposition..

  • What is a gerund and infinitive in English?

    A gerund is a verb form that ends in “-ing” and is used as a noun (walking, traveling, voting); an infinitive is the base form of a verb preceded by “to” (to walk, to travel, to vote)..

  • What is a gerund in business English?

    A gerund is the "–ing" form of a verb.
    Some verbs can only be followed with a gerund, some can only be followed with the infinitive with "to" and both forms can follow some verbs..

  • What is the rule for gerunds and infinitives?

    Ans- The functions of gerunds are to be used as subjects or objects in sentences by adding “ing” at the end of the verb.
    The functions of infinitives are to be used as subjects, adverbs, or adjectives in sentences by adding the extra word “to” before the verb.Sep 8, 2023.

  • Where do we use gerund and infinitive?

    Infinitives and gerunds are noun forms.
    If used before the main verb, they are the subject of the verb; after the main verb, they are the object of the verb.
    If a preposition is used after the verb, do not use an infinitive.
    If a common expression ends with a preposition, then it may be followed by a gerund..

  • Where is a gerund placed?

    The gerund must be used when a verb comes after a preposition.
    This is also true of certain expressions ending in a preposition, for example the expressions in spite of & there's no point in..

  • Why do we use gerunds and infinitives?

    Gerunds and infinitives can replace a noun in a sentence.
    Gerund = the present participle (-ing) form of the verb, e.g., singing, dancing, running.
    Infinitive = to + the base form of the verb, e.g., to sing, to dance, to run.
    Whether you use a gerund or an infinitive depends on the main verb in the sentence..

  • A gerund is the -ing form of a verb used as a noun.
    Gerunds express actions like verbs.
    However, they function as nouns in sentences.
    Specifically, they can serve as subject, direct object, indirect object, or object of a preposition.
  • Because gerunds and infinitives have this difference discussed above, one way to help them remember is to provide a list of verbs.
    The list of verbs followed by gerunds is more concrete while the verbs followed by infinitives are more abstract.
    With these lists obviously comes a lot of vocabulary explanation.
  • Following an indirect object (infinitive only) Some verbs are followed by a pronoun or noun referring to a person, and then an infinitive.
    Gerunds cannot be used in this position.
  • One of the most common mistakes with gerunds and infinitives is using the wrong form.
    For example, using the wrong verb form after a verb of preference or a verb of influence can change the meaning of a sentence.
    For example, “I enjoyed to run” is incorrect, as the correct form should be “I enjoyed running.”
A gerund is a verb form that ends in “-ing” and is used as a noun (walking, traveling, voting); an infinitive is the base form of a verb preceded by “to” (to walk, to travel, to vote). Gerunds and infinitives can function as the subject of a sentence or the object of a verb.
Some verbs, such as love, can be followed by both the gerund and infinitive of the second verb. Why? Copyright ©2023 Business English Resources : free 
Whenever we form a sentence in English with a verb that is followed by a noun that derives from a verb we need to know whether this noun is made up of the verb in the form of a Gerund (verb-ing) or an Infinitive (to + base of verb).

Are all verbs followed by the infinitive?

However, not all verbs are followed by the infinitive form of the second verb.
Some verbs are followed by the infinitive, some verbs are followed by the gerund, and some verbs are followed by the base form (the infinitive form without to ).
Below is a guide for using two verbs together in English. 1.
Verbs Followed by the Infinitive .

Can gerunds and infinitives be used with other verbs?

Using gerunds and infinitives with other verbs in English is a tricky thing, because some verbs are followed only by infinitives and other verbs — only by gerunds, while certain verbs may be followed by either one.
Furthermore, use of infinitive or gerund after a certain verb may totally change the meaning of a sentence.

How do you use gerunds?

(Quick review:

  • the gerund is the -ing form of the verb
  • and the infinitive is “to” followed by the base form of the verb.
    Use Gerunds When Describing the Experience or the Full Activity.
    We use gerunds whenever we are expressing experience with the action described by the verb.
  • Practice 2

    Complete the sentences with either the infinitive or gerund.
    1) When I’m not working, I enjoy _________________.
    2) When I was a child, my parents never allowed me _________________.
    3) In the next year, I plan ____________.
    4) I never thought I’d get used to __________, but I did.
    5) When I finish ___________, I’ll be really happy.
    6) I can’t imag.

    Can a verb be followed by a gerund?

    Explain that: Some verbs, such as hope, are followed by the infinitive form of the second verb

    Some verbs, such as enjoy, are followed by the gerund form of the second verb

    Some verbs, such as love, can be followed by both the gerund and infinitive of the second verb

    Go over the first three sections of this guide to using two verbs together

    What are gerunds and infinitives?

    The functions of gerunds and infinitives go beyond the subjects of sentences

    A gerund and infinitive can also function as sentence objects or the receiver of the action verb

    For example: Her sons like painting

    In this sentence, the gerund painting functions as the sentence’s direct object since it answers the question, “ like what?”

    Which verb is followed by the infinitive form of the second verb?

    Go over their answers

    Explain that: Some verbs, such as hope, are followed by the infinitive form of the second verb

    Some verbs, such as enjoy, are followed by the gerund form of the second verb

    Some verbs, such as love, can be followed by both the gerund and infinitive of the second verb


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