Business ethics grade 12 module 3

  • What are the 3c of business ethics?

    The three Cs are “compliance,” “consequences” and “contributions.” Applied Business ethics is an applied morality, like legal, engineering and medical ethics..

  • Meta-ethics, normative ethics and applied ethics.
    Ethics is a normative discipline, not a descriptive discipline.
Rating 5.0 (20) Each employee should be fully aware of the company's principles. The proprietor's decision should be based on truth. Never mind immoral activities in the 

What is business ethics?

Term Definition Business ethics Ideas about what is morally correct or not applied in a business situation

Ethical behaviour Acting in ways consistent with what society and individuals think are good values

Business practice A procedure/rule employed or followed by a business in the pursuit of its objectives

What should be included in a code of Conduct/Ethics?

• Speak directly to those employees who abuse work time

• Code of conduct/ethics should contain clear rules about abuse of work time

• Conduct training on the contents of the code of conduct/ethics

• Code of conduct/ethics should be signed by all employees so that they are aware of its contents


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