Business law and ethics can diverge

  • What are the divergence of ethics and laws?

    4.Universal within a jurisdictionVaries among individuals, cultures, religions5.Rigidity in applicationFlexible and adaptable6.Mostly tangible and explicitMostly intangible and implicit7.Meant to control and regulate behaviorMeant to guide and inspire behavior.

  • What is an example of ethics and law?

    A classic example is stealing to feed your family.
    Stealing is legally and ethically wrong, but if your family is starving it might be morally justified (Noel-Weiss et al., 2012)..

  • Ethics are a set of moral values an individual establishes for one's self and your own personal behavior.
    Laws are structured rules utilized to govern all of society.
    Not only do retail companies have an obligation to act ethically but so do the professional individuals working there.
  • Policies pursued by the Government or different Corporates are based on statutes or law of the land.
    However, ethics is based on value system pursued by the people in a society.
    It also depends on cultural standards.
    It depends on morality or norms about right and wrong human conduct.
  • The basic difference between ethics and business ethics is that ethics, in general, comprises all moral values, while business ethics only involve what is related to business.
Examples of when legal and ethical duties may diverge include cases of emergency, necessity, or historical examples of practices now considered immoral. What may be ethically required and legally permissible or required may also diverge.

Can ethics make a difference?

Ethics can make a difference here.
Ethical business practices, guided by a corporate set of standards, can have many positive outcomes, including:

  • recruitment and retention improvement
  • better relationships with customers
  • and positive PR.
  • Do legal and ethical duties overlap?

    In many cases, legal and ethical duties may overlap.
    For instance, not committing fraud would be considered an ethical duty and a legal duty.
    That is, committing fraud is the kind of conduct that can easily result in lawsuits or criminal charges, and committing fraud would also violate generally accepted principles of ethics.

    Is ethical behavior a legal obligation?

    The boundaries of what is ethical or not may be more unclear than what is legally required or not, and consequences for unethical behavior play out in the courts of public perception rather than courts of law.
    In many cases, legal and ethical duties may overlap.

    Is ethical behavior a legal obligation?

    The boundaries of what is ethical or not may be more unclear than what is legally required or not, and consequences for unethical behavior play out in the courts of public perception rather than courts of law

    In many cases, legal and ethical duties may overlap

    Is legal bluffing ethical?

    The relationship between law and business ethics has been a core research area across the 40 years of the Journal of Business Ethics

    Indeed, the very first issue of the journal asked the question of whether legally allowed bluffing in labor negotiations was ethical (Carson et al

    , 1982 )

    Should business ethics be separated from law?

    Separating law from business ethics does not enhance our understanding of ethical behavior or corporate malfeasance

    Corporate compliance statements of law carry tangible civil and/or criminal sanctions for violations, and when sanctions are imposed, there occurs enforcement of any coinciding business ethics values

    ×Legal and ethical duties can diverge. For example, failing to comply with a speed limit violates a legal duty, but if one does so in order to respond to an emergency with lives at stake, ethics may suggest exceeding the limit. However, there is a large area of overlap between law and ethics. What may be ethically required and legally permissible or required may also diverge. Today’s ethical duties often become tomorrow’s legal duties.


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