Roundtable business ethics

  • What does the business roundtable represent?

    Business Roundtable members are the chief executive officers of leading U.S. companies.
    Collectively, they represent every sector of the economy and bring a unique and important perspective to bear on policy issues that impact the economy..

  • What is the Business Roundtable Institute for corporate ethics?

    The Business Roundtable Institute for Corporate Ethics ( is an independent business ethics center established in partnership with Business Roundtable—an association of chief executive officers of leading corporations with a combined workforce of more than 10 million employees and $6 trillion in .

  • What is the business roundtable's redefinition of the purpose of the Corporation?

    In its place, the CEOs of Business Roundtable adopted a new Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation declaring that companies should serve not only their shareholders, but also deliver value to their customers, invest in employees, deal fairly with suppliers and support the communities in which they operate..

  • The Business Roundtable Institute for Corporate Ethics ( is an independent business ethics center established in partnership with Business Roundtable—an association of chief executive officers of leading corporations with a combined workforce of more than 10 million employees and $6 trillion in
According to Center Director Thomas Shanks, S.J., the roundtable was conceived as a place "where participants come to talk with each other about the ethical 

What is a corporate governance Roundtable?

Through our Principles of Corporate Governance, the Roundtable has for decades provided public companies with modern guidance and best practices to uphold high ethical standards and deliver long-term economic value.
Corporations provide opportunity and financial security to millions of Americans.

What is Business Roundtable?

Business Roundtable is recognized as a leading, authoritative voice on effective corporate governance.
Through our Principles of Corporate Governance, the Roundtable has for decades provided public companies with modern guidance and best practices to uphold high ethical standards and deliver long-term economic value.

What is the role of ethics in business?

It is about how we create value for each other.
It is the most powerful system of social cooperation in human history.” Since receiving his Ph.D. in Philosophy with an emphasis on Ethics and Decision Making, Ed Freeman has studied how ethics plays a role in business and business theory.

Will a Business Roundtable statement impact long-term value creation?

Industry leaders also lent their support for the updated Business Roundtable Statement, citing the positive impact this commitment will have on long-term value creation:

  • “ I welcome this thoughtful statement by Business Roundtable CEOs on the Purpose of a Corporation.
  • What is Business Roundtable?

    Through our Principles of Corporate Governance, Business Roundtable has for decades provided public companies with the most modern guidance and best practices to uphold high ethical standards and deliver long-term economic value

    As the corporate environment continues to evolve, a strong emphasis on effective corporate governance remains essential

    What is the OECD Business Integrity Roundtable?

    OECD Business Integrity Roundtable - OECD A forum for exchange of experience, promotion of good practices, and implementing projects advancing business integrity globally, with the support of the OECD and its partners the public and the private sector

    Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)


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