Business ethics task 1

  • How business ethics evolved?

    Business Ethics in the '60s
    While laws related to business ethics to exist, it is up to each business to establish a code of ethics within the company.
    Business ethics saw a notable shift in the 1960s when more companies started embracing social responsibility..

Rating 5.0 (13) TechFite is misusing their resources as they are taking their money (profits) and giving it back to themselves in the form of excessive executive bonuses.

How does techrite achieve ethical responsiblity?

In order to achieve ethical responsiblity at its fullest, TechRite must eliminate theexcessive bonuses paid to top executives in order to invest in its overall workforce,alleviate the budget constraints and makes a statement that it values all employees

TechRite desires to build relationships with all of its stakeholders

How long does it take to learn ethics?

At all

If there are terms or ethical theories you need to look up, use a dictionary or online encyclopedia or other legit-looking source to learn from

It will be faster and more clear

Two papers took about six hours total, but this was a topic I had some familiarity with


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