Nibe business ethics

  • How is a business ethical?

    Business ethics refers to implementing appropriate business policies and practices with regard to arguably controversial subjects.
    Some issues that come up in a discussion of ethics include corporate governance, insider trading, bribery, discrimination, social responsibility, and fiduciary responsibilities..

Our mission is to encourage businesses to: Have a stated purpose, Have an ethical policy, Demonstrate how they operate within the policy, Operate within the law 
The North East Initiative on Business Ethics (NIBE) was established in May 2013 as an independent regional resource with an aspiration to become a focal point 
We all know that the North East is a great place to do business and here at NIBE we believe it can be even better with the adoption of high ethical standards 

How does Nibe manage socioeconomic compliance?

NIBE manages socioeconomic compliance as part of the Group’s programme for ethics and compliance in the value chain.
In this report, the focus is on NIBE’s own operations and on parties with which the Group has business relationships.

What are Nibe's ethical guidelines?

NIBE’s ethical guidelines are defined in Our Values, Our Business Principles and our policies.
There are several related policies at Group level, as well as local adaptations of NIBE’s policies.
NIBE’s values and guidelines are, however, generally applicable and all other policies are subordinate to them.

What standards does Nibe comply with?

We also work in compliance with ISO 26000 - Guidance on social responsibility and the ‘Code to Prevent Corruption in Business’ of the Swedish Anti-Corruption Institute (Institutet Mot Mutor (IMM)).
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is the reporting standard that NIBE has chosen as the reporting method for stakeholders.

Who does Nibe work with?

NIBE works with various business partners such as:

  • customers
  • distributors
  • partners in jointly owned companies and suppliers.
    Differences in culture and working methods between NIBE and these partners may increase the risks associated primarily with business ethics and human rights.

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