Business ethics word scramble

  • What is the meaning of business ethics in simple words?

    Business ethics is a practice that determines what is right, wrong, and appropriate in the workplace.
    Business ethics is often guided by laws, and these principles keep companies and individuals from engaging in illegal activity such as insider trading, discrimination and bribery..

A printable business ethics word scramble containing 11 questions. Add your questions and answers.

Ethics Game #1: Photo, Video Or Poster Compliance Capture

Photo, video or poster compliance capture games are some of the most successful compliance-related games I’ve run.
The format is simple: submit a photo or video of a compliance violation with a caption or explanation related to the issue.
Produce more team entries by encouraging poster submissions, which have a variety of photos related to the same.

Ethics Game #2: The “Set-Up” Game

This compliance activity can also be called “Spot the Issue,” “Golden Ticket,” or just a good ol’ fashioned Scavenger Hunt.
Regardless of what you call it, here’s how to play: Set up a desk or multiple desks, workshops, offices, warehouses or production locations with a range of potential compliance and ethics issues.
You can see an example of a se.

Ethics Game #3: Compliance Trivia

Compliance trivia is surprisingly easy to prepare.
But be prepared for associated logistical challenges in communication, judging, prizes, etc.
The concept is simple: a Trivial Pursuit-style game where all of the questions are related to compliance.
Increase engagement by introducing a free-form tie-breaker covering questions like, “What do you thi.

Ethics Game #4: The “Real Or Reel” Game

Here’s how the Real or Reel game works: Compile a list of real-life and “as seen on TV” compliance and ethics scenarios and see if respondents can spot the difference.
To get started, research the biggest compliance violations and scandals you can find (we outlined some particularly juicy GT&E disasters here).
Then, think of some outrageous violati.

Ethics Game #5: New Ideas Competition

Your company might have a general “new idea” scheme from time-to-time, but typically you won’t get many entries related to compliance and ethics.
Build engagement by featuring exactly what you want: an ethics and compliance-specific game encouraging new ideas and/or building on existing concepts.
Organize the competition into two groups: one for ma.

Ethics Game #6: Team Competitions

Another approach is inter-team, division, or department competitions.
The competition can be based on the games above, compliance and ethics-based slogans, characters, taglines, or issues to highlight.
Turn it into a competition by offering prizes and getting employees to vote for the winners.
Again, just displaying entries publicly creates a power.

Ethics Game #7: Case Study Stories

Your company may have a number of case studies that are successful at a practical level, but aren’t grippingly engaging.
Try re-working case studies with multiple stages, more immediacy, and bringing in a fuller range of compliance and ethics issues—including the whistleblower’s dilemma and other current topics of interest.
Related: see how our emp.

Ethics Game #8: Debatable Dilemmas

Create short, easy-to-read, and debatable dilemmas that showcase some of the most exciting compliance issues including ethics, bribery, and corruption.
Some dilemmas should focus on “pure” compliance and ethics-type issues, while others should link to everyday dilemmas to expose issues like “ethical fade” and “bounded ethicality”.
The goal of this .

Ethics Game #9: The Compliance and Ethics “Shield”

Work with your employers to help define your company’s compliance and ethics “shield.” This could be in the form of a simple chart-based analysis of the activities, initiatives, etc. that “shielded” your company from trouble and stood in the way of compliance and ethics-related reputational damage.


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