Business finance ebook

  • How to start an ebook business?

    Business finance refers to funds availed by business owners to meet their needs that may include commencing a business, obtaining top-up funds to finance business operations, obtaining finance to purchase capital assets for the business, or to deal with a sudden cash crunch faced by the business..

  • What is an example of business finance?

    Business finance include financial planning, financial management, investment analysis, risk management, financial reporting and analysis, and capital budgeting..

  • What is business finance PDF?

    Examples include buying and selling products (or assets), issuing stocks, initiating loans, and maintaining accounts.
    When a company sells shares and makes debt repayments, it is engaging in financial activities..

  • What is the source of finance?

    Debt and equity are the two major sources of financing.
    Government grants to finance certain aspects of a business may be an option.
    Also, incentives may be available to locate in certain communities or encourage activities in particular industries..

  • The finance function has to enable decisions across the organization, requiring deeper, clearer insight into operations, customers, markets, and the external business environment.
$12.39This book is written for those managing a business in a real market. It provides a quick and effective course in financial literacy, aimed at the pursuit of 
Rating 4.1 (43) The 20 best business finance ebooks recommended by Sarbjeet Johal and Rohit Prabhakar Digitalroi, such as Quickbooks and Corporate Finance.

Best Biography: The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life

Berkshire Hathaway Chairman and CEO Warren Buffett, the so-called “Oracle of Omaha,” has had volumes in many languages written about him.
Yet his personal life from the earliest days and beyond remained a mystery until Alice Schroeder penned this eloquent biography at Buffett’s invitation. “Whenever my version is different from somebody else’s, Alice, use the less flattering version,” Buffett advised Schroeder.

Best Cryptocurrency Reference: The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains

judge this book by its cover because it delivers on its title, resulting in a comprehensive, lively must-have reference book on cryptocurrencies.
Antony Lewis, a former technologist at Credit Suisse in Singapore and London, left banking to join the startup iBit, where clients buy and sell Bitcoins, and has never looked back.

Best for Investing: A Random Walk Down Wall Street

Burton G.
Malkiel is an economics professor, a former director at Vanguard, and a former dean of the Yale School of Management, yet his most recognizable contribution to finance is his

Best Global Perspective: The Silk Roads: A New History of the World

To the uninitiated, the words “silk roads” may conjure up the deep beauty of shimmering silk fabric in exotic locales.
The reality is quite different.
In his 2015 book, Oxford University global history professor Peter Frankopan weaves a complex tale across centuries about fearless merchants, middlemen, soldiers, and leaders—many of whom traveled on life-challenging passages across treacherous terrain throughout the Middle East, China, the Balkans, and South Asia with the added provocations of unpredictable weather and peoples, crime and life-threatening disease, and even the proselytizing by clergy of religions old and brand-new, which led to deadly power grabs and wars.

Best on Personal Finance: Rich Dad Poor Dad

As any investor knows, it’s not how much money you make, but how much you keep—a main premise of

Best on the Dangers of the Gender Data Gap: Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men

In this absorbing book—named 2019’s

Best Overall: No Filter: The Inside Story of Instagram

No Filter: The Inside Story of Instagram

Best Personal Finance Disaster Management: What to Do with Your Money When Crisis Hits: A Survival Guide

There are two ways to read Michelle Singletary’s personal finance book, and both are right: You can tackle it from start to finish or dive into the topics that are the most pressing first and then read the rest.
In her

How many finance books are available in PDF format?

We invite you to take a look at more than 25 finance books in PDF format, available and free to access.

What are business finance books?

Business finance books are guides that give strategies for finding funding and making money.
These works cover topics such as:

  • valuation
  • trading
  • return on investment
  • profit
  • debt management
  • and funding.
    The purpose of these books is to fund ventures, increase profits, and help organizations be economically successful long term.
  • What are the best fine finance books?

    Sarah Frier’s No Filter:

  • The Inside Story of Instagram ranks as the best overall book on our list of fine finance books.
    The title doesn’t do the book justice, because it’s so much more than a book about two smart tech guys creating a novel app and then selling it to Facebook.
  • Why should you read a personal finance book?

    In the personal finance books any individual will find a guide to give the proper management to their income and learn to establish priorities in their lives, such as:

  • protecting their health
  • investing in a college career
  • complying with taxes
  • having liquidity
  • among others.

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