Corporate finance to

  • Corporate finance topics

    Corporate finance is important to all managers because it provides the skills managers need to identify and select the corporate strategies and individual projects that add value to their firm, forecast the funding requirements of their company, and to devise strategies for acquiring those funds..

  • Corporate finance topics

    The primary goal of corporate finance is to maximize or increase shareholder. 1.
    Corporate Finance broadly speaking business finance can be defined as the activity concerned with the raising and administering of funds used in business..

  • Finance types

    A few of the perks of working in corporate finance are that you get the chance to develop good teamwork skills, since finance professionals generally work in teams.
    You also get to travel and meet people, and the pay is pretty good.
    A financial analyst can make $44,000 to $72,000 a year..

The ultimate purpose of corporate finance is to maximize the value of a business through planning and implementation of resources while balancing risk and profitability.

How can CFOs transform corporate finance to propel your strategy?

Transform corporate finance to propel your strategy.
We help CFOs and finance leaders boost shareholder returns, master capital markets, build superior end-to-end M&A capabilities, and more.
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Bain partner Laura Miles discusses how CFOs can align finance strategy with corporate strategy.

What are the main areas of corporate finance?

The main areas of corporate finance are capital budgeting (e.g., for investing in company projects), capital financing (deciding how to fund projects/operations), and working capital management (managing assets and liabilities to operate efficiently).
Corporate finance is a subset of the field of finance.


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