Business daily finance bill 2023

  • "The committee agreed with this proposal to retain this paragraph (on sugar) at the schedule of zero-rated items," said the committee.
    For a "zero-rated good", the government does not tax its retail sale but allows credits for the value-added tax (VAT) paid on inputs.
  • Is the Finance Act 2023 suspended in Kenya?

    Friday July 28 2023
    Kenya's Court of Appeal has overturned an order made last month suspending the implementation of the 2023 Finance Act after Treasury Cabinet Secretary (CS) Prof Njuguna Ndung'u argued that the government was losing half a billion shillings a day as a result of the freeze..

  • Is the Finance Bill 2023 suspended in Kenya?

    Friday July 28 2023
    Kenya's Court of Appeal has overturned an order made last month suspending the implementation of the 2023 Finance Act after Treasury Cabinet Secretary (CS) Prof Njuguna Ndung'u argued that the government was losing half a billion shillings a day as a result of the freeze..

  • What is the court decision on the Kenya Finance Bill 2023?

    NAIROBI, Sept 8 (Reuters) - Kenya's Supreme Court said on Friday it has upheld a July appeals court ruling that lifted a suspension on a finance law that doubled the value-added tax on fuel and introduced a new housing levy..

  • What is the finance bill amended in Kenya 2023?

    The Act amends Section 8(2) of the VAT Act by replacing the words “not registered person” with “a registered or unregistered” person.
    This amendment apparently seeks to clarify that a non-resident supplier is deemed to provide services in Kenya, whether the services are provided to a registered or unregistered person..

  • What is the finance law 2023 in Morocco?

    The Finance Bill of 2023 sets four priorities relating to the strengthening of the foundations of the social State, the revival of the national economy through the support of investment, the consecration of territorial equity and the restoration of budgetary margins to ensure the sustainability of reforms..

  • What is the importance of finance bill in India?

    Significance of Finance Bill
    This law contains numerous provisions that simplify taxes and permit lending money with the sale of stocks as security.
    These provisions are essential for administration because they are utilized to authorize government expenditure..

  • What is the ruling on the finance bill in Kenya?

    NAIROBI, Sept 8 (Reuters) - Kenya's Supreme Court said on Friday it has upheld a July appeals court ruling that lifted a suspension on a finance law that doubled the value-added tax on fuel and introduced a new housing levy..

  • What is the turnover tax in Kenya Finance Bill 2023?

    The Act reduces the TOT's upper threshold from KES 50m to KES 25m.
    The Act also increases the TOT rate from 1% to 3%.
    The threshold reduction effectively increases the medium enterprises that must pay TOT..

  • Introduce tax on the income derived from the transfer or exchange of digital assets (such as crypto currency transactions) at a rate of 3%.
    Individuals to claim mortgage interest expense to a maximum of Kshs 300,000 per year incurred on money borrowed from a co-operative society.
  • Lowered the upper threshold for turnover tax to KShs 25 million from the previous KShs 50 million and rate increased to 3% from the previous 1%.
  • Various new tax rates and levies have been introduced as a result of the Finance Act 2023 including a housing levy chargeable on personal emoluments.
    Further, the VAT rate on fuel has been standardised to 16% while the rate of capital gains tax has been increased to 15%.
May 11, 2023The 2023 Finance Bill seeks to amend various laws relating to taxes and duties with the goal of increasing government revenues.
The National Assembly published the Finance Bill 2023 on 28th April 2023. The Bill seeks to amend laws relating to various taxes and duties such as the Income Tax Act, Value Added Act (VAT), Tax Procedures Act and Excise Duty Act while proposing new taxes, regulations, and incentives.

Amnesty on Penalties and Interest For Accrued Tax Debts

In recognition Kenya's tax debt portfolio which currently stands at Kshs. 1.5 trillion, the Cabinet proposed for a one-year amnesty to be introduced on penalties and interests.
This proposal is aimed at reducing the growing tax debt.
It is also fashioned as a mechanism for encouraging tax debtors to come forward and make payments.
We will wait to s.

Introduction of Excise Duty on Imported Fish and Furniture

The introduction of excise duty on imported fish and furniture is likely to be one of the features of the Finance Bill, 2023.
This is likely to promote the local fish and furniture industries if implemented.
It is however not clear if the local market is big enough to support the current demand for fish and furniture in Kenya.
Local traders who wer.

Scrapping of VAT on Exported Services

President Ruto also remarked in his speech at AmCham that the introduction of VAT on exported services by the Finance Act, 2022 had rendered the country uncompetitive and constantly hindered investors from making Kenya their regional services hub.
To this extent, he stated that VAT on exported services will be removed from the end of June 2023.

Solving Delays in Tax Refund

Constant delays in refunding verified tax claims is a challenge that the National Treasury has constantly grappled with.
To solve this issue, President Ruto announced in March that starting from June 2023 all verified claims of tax refund will be payable within 6 months.
To demonstrate his commitment to resolving this problem, he further stated tha.

What does the Finance Bill 2023 mean for your business?

Through the Finance Bill, 2023, the government is likely to make changes to the Goods and Services Tax (GST) law that will prevent businesses from receiving tax credits for the purchases of goods and services that they make on behalf of the community as part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) obligations.

Will amended finance bill 2023 be taken up by Lok Sabha?

The amended Finance Bill 2023 by correcting STT rate has been returned to Lok Sabha, sources said.
The amended Bill is likely to be taken up by Lok Sabha either today or tomorrow and thereafter the Budgetary exercise would be complete.

Will the Finance Bill 2023 change Kenya's tax landscape?

We encourage everyone to be on the lookout for the Finance Bill 2023 and to participate effectively in the process that will change Kenya's tax landscape for the next government's fiscal year which commences on 1 July 2023.
Mr Kanyi is a Partner at Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr (incorporating Kieti Law LLP) and Mr Otieno (trainee advocate).

Political party leadership election

The 2023 Scottish National Party leadership election took place in February and March 2023 to choose the leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP) to succeed Nicola Sturgeon, who announced her resignation on 15 February.
Nominations closed on 24 February 2023 with three candidates: Kate Forbes, Ash Regan, and Humza Yousaf.
Yousaf was elected the new leader on 27 March with 48.2% of first preference votes and 52.1% of the vote after third-placed candidate Regan's second preferences were redistributed.
Yousaf was elected as the First Minister of Scotland on 28 March 2023.

English businessman, theatre producer and actor (1945–2023)

William Kenwright, CBE was an English West End theatre producer and film producer.
He was also the chairman of Everton Football Club for nearly two decades, from 2004 until his death in 2023.


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