Corporate finance cbs

  • What is the behavioral theory of corporate finance?

    Behavioral finance theory holds that markets might fail to reflect economic fundamentals under conditions of irrational behavior, systematic patterns of behavior and limits to arbitrage in financial markets..

  • Why is corporate finance important to managers?

    The ultimate purpose of corporate finance is to maximize the value of a business through planning and implementation of resources while balancing risk and profitability..

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of Corporate Finance. The first part of the lectures will discuss the building blocks of the modern firm in 

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The certificate is delivered by one of the most prestigious business schools in the world and recognized by the largest banks and international companies.
By validating the ICCF@Columbia Business School you will be also obtaining 2 additional credits towards the CIBE (Certificate in Business Excellence) delivered by Columbia Business School.

American film production and distribution company

CBS Films Inc. was an American film production and distribution company founded in 2007 as a subsidiary of CBS Corporation and was considered a mini-major studio up until 2019.


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