Finance company fe

  • How many customers does Fe Credit have?

    The company has a nationwide network of nearly 20,000 service introduction points and more than 15,000 employees.
    Serving more than 13 million customers, FE CREDIT is a recognized brand for consumer finance across Asia, and its innovations have received many industry awards..

  • The company has a nationwide network of nearly 20,000 service introduction points and more than 15,000 employees.
    Serving more than 13 million customers, FE CREDIT is a recognized brand for consumer finance across Asia, and its innovations have received many industry awards.
Founded as Consumer Finance Division of Vietnam Prosperity Joint-Stock Commercial Bank (VPBank), FE CREDIT successfully transfered all consumer finance 
In October 2021, VPBank announced the completion of its deal to sell a 49 per cent stake in its FE CREDIT to SMBC Consumer Finance Company (SMBCCF), a 

How is Fe funded?

Since incorporation, FE has been funded using an annualised formula that includes ,a proportion linked to qualifications being achieved.
This funding model requires the gathering of extensive amounts of performance data and a whole range of associated metrics.

What is Fe and why is it important?

FE is in a position to respond to the different needs of people who may finally find themselves in a place where they want to learn and to improve their lives through education.
The funding model should really reflect and support the enormous social and economic benefits that accrue from that.

Who is Fe credit?

After 11 years of operation, with the mission of realizing millions of dreams, FE CREDIT has established a solid foundation and maintained its leading position in the consumer finance market with a nationwide network at more than 21,000 points of sale with more than 16,000 employees.

What is RNZ Fe Investments Limited?

A screenshot of the FE Investments Limited website today

Photo: RNZ FE Investments is a relatively small non-bank deposit taking finance company with $54

3 million in retail investments

The majority of the company's 617 investors are individuals, rather than trusts and other entities

Who is Fe credit?

After 11 years of operation, with the mission of realizing millions of dreams, FE CREDIT has established a solid foundation and maintained its leading position in the consumer finance market with a nationwide network at more than 21,000 points of sale with more than 16,000 employees

Who is Fe investments?

FE Investments is a relatively small non-bank deposit taking finance company with $54

3 million in retail investments

The majority of the company's 617 investors are individuals, rather than trusts and other entities

Defunct American railway company

The Santa Fe Pacific Corporation was formed as the Santa Fe Southern Pacific Corporation on December 23, 1983 by the merger of Santa Fe Industries, which owned the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway, with the Southern Pacific Company, which owned the Southern Pacific Railroad.


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