Mgt 8803 business fundamentals for analytics

  • Business Fundamentals for Analytics (MGT 8803/6754)
    An accelerated introduction to the basics of management and the language of business.
    The course provides a framework that will enhance a person's effectiveness in the business world.
MGT 8803 — Business Fundamentals for Analytics (Summer 2020) It covers Accounting, Finance, Supply Chain, and Marketing, with an optional unit on Business Strategy. If you have an undergrad business degree, or have taken a college level course in all 4 areas, you can get a waiver for the class.
Recently, I completed the MGT 8803 course, and it turned out to be an enlightening ride. It broadened my understanding of key business areas like Accounting, Finance, Supply Chain Management, and Marketing, subjects I had only a slight grasp on before. The wealth of knowledge I've gained is genuinely substantial.


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