Business informatics auc

  • How is business intelligence made using information systems?

    On the technical side, raw data is collected from business systems.
    Data is processed and then stored in data warehouses, the cloud, applications, and files.
    Once it's stored, users can access the data, starting the analysis process to answer business questions..

  • Is business informatics the same as business analytics?

    Data analytics is: The analysis of data using quantitative and qualitative techniques to look for trends and patterns in the data.
    Informatics is: A collaborative activity that involves people, processes, and technologies to apply trusted data in a useful and understandable way..

  • What area is business analytics?

    This BSc in Business Analytics is about how organisations can make better decisions with data, including how they currently use data and how they could use data in the future to make decisions that better align with business and societal needs..

  • What information is the purpose of a business intelligence system?

    Business intelligence (BI) is a technology-driven process for analyzing data and delivering actionable information that helps executives, managers and workers make informed business decisions..

  • Where does business intelligence belong?

    Whilst the BI team needs to understand business processes, BI is too technical to reside anywhere else but within the IT side of an organization.
    BI is a technical response to a business need.
    Business sets the requirements and technologists create the useful result..

  • Business intelligence (BI) is a technology-driven process for analyzing data and delivering actionable information that helps executives, managers and workers make informed business decisions.
  • The goal of business intelligence is to help businesses make better decisions by providing them with timely, accurate, and actionable information.
    Data analytics is the process of examining data sets in order to draw conclusions about the information they contain.
The Business Intelligence (BI) solution at AUC aims at providing insights and availing data to the business users through highly visual dashboards and advanced 
What is Business Intelligence (BI) at AUC?A subject-oriented data warehouse that enables smooth information and knowledge extractionEasy to use dashboards 

Bi Dashboards

BI Dashboards provide higher-level data in the form of intuitive interactive charts.
The dashboards are designed with the intention of supporting informed decision making and reporting.

How You Can Be Part of This Change

If your role at AUC involves data entry, make sure you follow the standards and conventions.
Always strive to have your data incorporated within the official AUC information systems rather than manual excel book-keeping.
If your role at AUC involves decision making, always question how data can support your decision and do not hesitate to contact B.

Our Vision

AUC’s data is an enterprise-wide asset that should be readily available for analysis.
AUC should be able to use the large masses of data collected over the years to uncover the hidden patterns and extract useful information and knowledge.
This will support evidence-based decision making and informed actions.

What does a business informatics student do at GUC?

The business Informatics student at GUC acquires the capability to solve self dependently and based on scientific methods the problems arising in the field of Business Informatics (e.g. development and use of enterprise systems).

What Is Business Intelligence (BI)?

The need for evidence-based decision making is becoming more pressing every day.
Driven by the current economic and political changes, institutions face daily administrative, planning and budgeting challenges that require creative and wise decisions supported by information.
This is where a business intelligence solution comes in handy.
Business In.

What is the Knowledge Portal of the AUC School of business?

The knowledge portal of the AUC School of Business, is a credible destination for business knowledge, insight and analysis on Egypt and the Arab region.

What is UC's Bachelor of Business Informatics?

Visit the for further information.
If you enjoy IT but prefer the science of data management and building innovative systems designed to streamline and maximise productivity, then UC’s Bachelor of Business Informatics is the perfect course to teach you how.

Why AUC Needed Business Intelligence (BI)?

AUC has been investing in state-of-the-art ERP systems to guarantee that student, faculty and staff data is stored in a well-structured format.
Yet, leveraging this data to generate insights has constantly been sidetracked due to the following factors which, combined, paved the way for inconsistencies, redundancies and many different versions of th.

What can a business informatics student do at GUC?

The business Informatics student at GUC acquires the capability to solve self dependently and based on scientific methods the problems arising in the field of Business Informatics (e

g development and use of enterprise systems)

What is a Bachelor of Business Informatics degree?

Accredited by the Australian Computer Society, UC’s Bachelor of Business Informatics is an interdisciplinary degree providing a bridge between the areas of business and information technology

Which UC business informatics course is right for You?

If you enjoy IT but prefer the science of data management and building innovative systems designed to streamline and maximise productivity, then UC’s Bachelor of Business Informatics is the perfect course to teach you how


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