Business informatics hse

The Business Informatics Bachelor's programme is aimed at training professionals in the development and use of information systems and technologies in business.

What companies does HSE work with?

The Department works in partnership with such firms as 1C, TeDo (ex PWC), B1 (ex Ernst & Young), Navicon, Arenadata, Visiology, etc.
Three graduates of the HSE University became winners of Forbes' annual "30 under 30" rating.
Two of them are from the HSE Graduate School of Business (GSB).

What is Business Informatics?

Business Informatics is a peer reviewed interdisciplinary academic journal published since 2007 by National Research University – Higher School of Economics (HSE), Moscow, Russian Federation.
The journal is administered by the Graduate School of Business.
The journal is issued quarterly, in English and Russian.

What is HSE Graduate School of Business (GSB)?

The HSE Graduate School of Business (GSB) was established on 1 September 2020 and has since evolved into a priority partner for top Russian companies in the development of management cadres and techniques.
The academic approach utilised by the GSB is based on a leading global model of a university business school.

Why is the business informatics education program important?

The emergence of the Business Informatics educational program is closely related to the requirements of the Russian labor market, which lacks qualified managers, system analysts, and system architects for the IT sphere.

What is HSE Graduate School of business?

To this end, a delegation of the HSE Graduate School of Business led by Director Valery Katkalo visited Shanghai

The programme is aimed at training professionals in the development and use of information systems and technologies in business

It educates students in the fields of informatics, economics and management

Why is the business informatics education program important?

The emergence of the Business Informatics educational program is closely related to the requirements of the Russian labor market, which lacks qualified managers, system analysts, and system architects for the IT sphere


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