Business informatics journal

  • What is the impact factor of business informatics?

    The latest impact index of the Business Informatics is 0.88.
    It's evaluated in the year 2022.
    The highest and the lowest impact index or impact score of this journal are 1.04 (2021) and 0.00 (2017), respectively, in the last 6 years.
    Moreover, its average IS is 0.62 in the previous 6 years.6 days ago.

Business Informatics is a peer reviewed interdisciplinary academic journal published since 2007 by National Research University – Higher School of Economics (HSE), Moscow, Russian Federation. The journal is administered by the Graduate School of Business. The journal is issued quarterly, in English and Russian.
Business Informatics is a peer reviewed interdisciplinary academic journal published since 2007 by National Research University – Higher School of Economics (HSE), Moscow, Russian Federation. The journal is administered by the Graduate School of Business.
Business Informatics is a peer reviewed interdisciplinary academic journal published since 2007 by National Research University – Higher School of Economics ( 

What is a Business Informatics Journal?

The journal is administered by the Graduate School of Business.
The journal is issued quarterly, in English and Russian.
The mission of the journal is to develop business informatics as a new field within both information technologies and management.

Archives and Museum Informatics is a journal published by Springer.
Begun in 1987, as the Archival Informatics Newsletter, it assumed its present title with volume 3 in 1989.
The first ten volumes were published by Archives & Museum Informatics which sold the title to Kluwer in 1997.

Academic journal

The International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making was founded in 2002 and is published by World Scientific.
It is a peer-reviewed scientific journal covering the application of information technology to decision-making, in areas such as bio-informatics, fuzzy logic, neural networks, and online business.
The current editor-in-chief is Yong Shi.

Academic journal

Technology, Education, Management, Informatics (TEM) is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal covering technology and business.
The journal has a significant impact as evidenced by citations in Google Scholar.
It is indexed by Scopus, Web of Science, and other citation indices.


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