Business management and finance ican

  • How many levels are there in ICAN?

    There are 16 subjects with content that are both numerical and written, broken down into three stages; Foundation Level, Skills Level and Professional Level.
    The Foundation Level provides a learning framework that contains manageable core content..

  • Is ICAN internationally Recognised?

    ICAN is recognized by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)..

  • What are objectives of financial management?

    The objectives of financial management increase the efficiency of an organisation by providing it with the necessary information to make informed decisions.
    This helps make sure that the organisation uses its resources in the most efficient way possible..

  • What is the work of ICAN?

    ICAN develops and assesses the highest quality Qualifying Examinations for Professional Accountants in Africa, and offers specialty credentials through 7 Specialist Faculties for Chartered Accountants who choose to concentrate on specialist accounting profession..

  • The definition of financial management is the strategic practice of establishing, controlling, and monitoring all financial resources to achieve your business goals.
  • There are 16 subjects with content that are both numerical and written, broken down into three stages; Foundation Level, Skills Level and Professional Level.
    The Foundation Level provides a learning framework that contains manageable core content.
An understanding of business environment (global and local), markets, financial markets, entities and organisations provides a foundation for businessĀ 
This subject revolves around a basic understanding of the purpose, objectives of businesses; issues of business ethics, governance, corporate socialĀ 

Do Organisations need to prepare accruals based financial information?

Some organisations may not be required to prepare accruals based financial information.
These may prepare a cash based, receipt and payment account instead.
Organisations that do this might include:

  • clubs
  • societies and perhaps some charities.
  • Is blockchain accounting the future of accounting?

    Blockchain accounting is capable of providing a more transparent and secured accounting framework to track transactions and assets.
    Hence, traditional accounting is at the verge of a disruption which will redefine the role and need for accountants in an industry.

    What materials does ICAN provide?

    ICAN provides materials that assist students in studying and preparing for the Examinations, these includes ,Study Packs, Pathfinders and Mock Questions and Answers.

    Who uses financial information?

    Other users of information, many of them outside the entity.
    For example, a company produces accounting information for its shareholders in the form of financial statements, and financial statements are also used by tax authorities, investors, trade union representatives and others. (This is known as financial accounting).

    How many times a year does the Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) exam take?

    The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) holds examinations thrice a year in March, July, and in November

    To be eligible to write the ICAN examination, a candidate must first register as a student

    What does ICAN stand for?

    The lnstitute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) © 2021 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria All Rights ReservedPage i Published by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria PC 16, Idowu Taylor Street Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria Email: info

    ican@ican org ng www ican-ngr org ISBN 978-978-57010-0-5

    What qualifications do I need to write the ICAN exam?

    To be eligible to write the ICAN examination, a candidate must first register as a student

    In order to register as a student with the Institute, an applicant must hold a qualification not below University degree or its equivalent

    The Council has accepted the following qualifications for the purpose of entry requirements:


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