Business management n4

  • How long does it take to complete N4 and N6 business management?

    Each level takes six months full-time to complete.
    A total of 18 months to complete the theoretical components (N4, N5 and N6).
    Each level consists of four subjects.
    On completion of a level, a student is awarded a certificate for that level..

  • How long is the N4 course?

    This course lasts between 6 to 12 months to be completed and it has 60 credits.
    Only after you have finished level N4, you will be able to study for the NATED N5 Certificate, and when you have finished it, you can study for the NATED N6 certificate..

  • What can I do with a N5 business management?

    The Nated National Certificate (Business Management) provides an opportunity to access careers in any of the sectors listed below:

    1. Finance Management
    2. Marketing
    3. Hunan Resources
    4. Public Relations
    5. Production
    6. Office Administration

  • What is business management N4?

    In the Business Management field, this qualification enhances the student's ability to apply business management principles in decision-making and identifying critical success factors for small business management and better performance in the business environment..

  • What is N4 in business management?

    The Business Management N4 National Certificate course is the foundational Business Management course.
    It teaches you the basics on how to manage a business.May 13, 2022.

  • The Nated National Certificate (Business Management) provides an opportunity to access careers in any of the sectors listed below:

    1. Finance Management
    2. Marketing
    3. Hunan Resources
    4. Public Relations
    5. Production
    6. Office Administration
  • Each level takes six months full-time to complete.
    A total of 18 months to complete the theoretical components (N4, N5 and N6).
    Each level consists of four subjects.
    On completion of a level, a student is awarded a certificate for that level.
  • This course offers a solid foundation in marketing principles while providing valuable insights into management communication, computer practice, entrepreneurship, and business management.
    Elevate your marketing career with our N4 Marketing Management course.
This Business Management qualification, with the practical component, prepares a student well on how to become an entrepreneur.
Why Study Business Management N4-N6? In the Business Management field, this qualification enhances the student's ability to apply business management principles in decision-making and identifying critical success factors for small business management and better performance in the business environment.

How do I get a business management National Diploma?

To obtain your Business Management National Diploma, you must first complete all N4 – N6 National Certificate courses.
Once you have gained all National N Certificates, you will be able to enrol in the Business Management National Diploma course.
The Business Management National Diploma course is a practical course.

N4 Curriculum

Management Communication

N5 Curriculum

Computer Practice

What courses are available in N4 & N6?

N4 - N6 Building & Civil Engineering NC(V) Building & Civil Engineering Furniture Making L2 Furniture Making L3 AutoCAD 2D (Part-Time) AutoCAD Revit (Part-Time) Business Studies N4 - N6 Business Management N4 - N6 Financial Management N4 - N6 Management Assistant N4 - N6 HR Management (Part-Time) NC(V) Finance, Economics & Accounting .

What is a N4 Business Management course?

Look no further than our National Certificate:

  • N4 Business Management course designed to equip you with invaluable skills and knowledge.
    Studying this course is an excellent introduction to the dynamic field of business management, preparing you for further study in this direction.
    So don’t wait any longer – leap and secure your place now! .
  • What is N5 & N6 national certificate in Business Management?

    Business Management:

  • N5 National Certificate course is the second step to getting a National Diploma in Business Management.
    It builds on the previous N4 course.
    The Business Management N6 National Certificate course is the last theory course in a NATED Business Management course.
    Learn the skills to help you manage a business.

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