How communication satellite works

  • How are signals sent to communication satellites?

    Radio waves are used to carry satellite signals.
    These waves travel at 300,000 km/s (the speed of light).
    This means that a signal sent to a satellite 38,000 km away takes 0.13 s to reach the satellite and another 0.13 s for the return signal to be received back on Earth..

  • How do devices communicate with satellites?

    The signal from your device transmits directly to the nearest satellite, which then sends the signal to the nearest gateway, or land-based center, which then transmits the signal to the receiving phone; the receiving phone can be a land line, cell phone or another sat phone..

  • How does a communication satellite work?

    Communication satellites use multiple frequencies bands, just like a radio, to transmit information.
    Although there are multiple frequency bands, the most common frequencies used in satellite communications are L-band, C-band, S-band, and Ka-band..

  • How does satellite communication work for Internet?

    Internet service providers send an internet signal to a satellite in space, which then comes back to the users and is captured by their satellite dish.
    The dish is connected to the user's modem, which finally connects their computer to the internet signal..

  • How satellite works step by step?

    A satellite contains multiple channels, called transponders, that provide bandwidth and power over designated radio frequencies.
    The transponder's bandwidth and power dictate how much information can be transmitted through the transponder and how big the ground equipment must be to receive the signal..

  • How satellite works step by step?

    People communicate to a satellite using an antenna on the ground called an “earth station”.
    The earth station sends up radio signals called “uplinks” to the satellite.
    The satellite receives these signals, makes them stronger, and then re-transmits them back down to the Earth..

  • Types of satellite

    At its simplest, space communications relies on two things: a transmitter and a receiver.
    A transmitter encodes a message onto electromagnetic waves through modulation, which changes properties of the wave to represent the data.
    These waves flow through space toward the receiver..

  • Types of satellite

    Internet service providers send an internet signal to a satellite in space, which then comes back to the users and is captured by their satellite dish.
    The dish is connected to the user's modem, which finally connects their computer to the internet signal..

  • Types of satellite

    Launching of Satellites
    First Stage − The first stage of launch vehicle contains rockets and fuel for lifting the satellite along with launch vehicle from ground.
    Second Stage − The second stage of launch vehicle contains smaller rockets.
    These are ignited after completion of first stage..

  • Types of satellite

    The signal from your device transmits directly to the nearest satellite, which then sends the signal to the nearest gateway, or land-based center, which then transmits the signal to the receiving phone; the receiving phone can be a land line, cell phone or another sat phone..

  • Why does satellite work?

    A satellite works by receiving radio signals sent from the Earth and resending the radio signals back down to the Earth..

Can a communication satellite relay multiple signals at the same time?

It is important to note that a communication satellite can relay multiple signals at the same time, using the same or a separate transponder for each communication link

A transponder is a subsystem of the communications satellite responsible for trans mitting the signal while also acting as a res ponder

How does satellite communication work?

Satellite communications use a combination of orbiting satellites above the Earth and ground stations to transmit and relay information using microwaves from one point on Earth to another

Take Live Television for example

A broadcaster will send out (or transmit) a signal to a designated satellite via it's user terminal

What is the difference between a satellite broadcast and a communications satellite?

While a communications satellite might relay a signal between one sender and receiver (fired up into space and back down again, with one uplink and one downlink), satellite broadcasts typically involve one or more uplinks (for one or more TV channels) and multiple downlinks (to ground stations or individual satellite TV subscribers)

×Satellite communication works by relaying and amplifying radio telecommunications signals through a transponder. A communication channel is created between a source transmitter and a receiver at different locations on earth. Satellites communicate by using radio waves to send signals to the antennas on the Earth, which then capture those signals and process the information coming from those signals. Telephone, radio, television, internet, and military applications use satellite communications.
How communication satellite works
How communication satellite works

System for collecting electronic environmental data

Argos is a global satellite-based system that collects, processes, and disseminates environmental data from fixed and mobile platforms around the world.
The worldwide tracking and environmental monitoring system is the results from external text>Franco-American cooperation. In addition to satellite data collection, the main feature of the Argos system is its to ability to geographically locate the data source from any location on Earth using the Doppler effect; which refers to the apparent change in the wavelength due to relative motion between its source and observer.
Argos is operated by CLS/Argos, based in Toulouse, France, and its United States subsidiary, CLS America.
The Iridium satellite constellation provides L band voice and data information coverage

The Iridium satellite constellation provides L band voice and data information coverage

Satellite constellation providing voice and data coverage

The Iridium satellite constellation provides L band voice and data information coverage to satellite phones, satellite messenger communication devices and integrated transceivers, as well as two-way satellite messaging service to supported Android smartphones, over the entire surface of Earth.
Iridium Communications owns and operates the constellation, additionally selling equipment and access to its services.
It was conceived by Bary Bertiger, Raymond J.
Leopold and Ken Peterson in late 1987 and then developed by Motorola on a fixed-price contract from July 29, 1993, to November 1, 1998, when the system became operational and commercially available.

Portable emergency satellite communication device

A Satellite Emergency Notification Device or SEND is a portable emergency notification and locating device which uses commercial satellite systems rather than the COSPAS-SARSAT satellite system.
An example of this device is SPOT.
Skynet is a family of military communications satellites

Skynet is a family of military communications satellites

Communications satellite

Skynet is a family of military communications satellites, now operated by Airbus Defence and Space on behalf of the United Kingdom's Ministry of Defence (MoD).
They provide strategic and tactical communication services to the branches of the British Armed Forces, the British intelligence agencies, some UK government departments and agencies, and to allied governments.
Since 2015 when Skynet coverage was extended eastward, and in conjunction with an Anik G1 satellite module over America, Skynet offers near global coverage.


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Communication can be expressed through
Communication can be
Communication can take the form of
Communication can solve any problem
Communication can never be
Communication can be learned
Communication can be intentional or unintentional
Communication can be defined as
Communication can be inward or outward
Communication can be expressed
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Communication can break down
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Communication can be verbal or non-verbal
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