Communication when complete

  • 5.
    A proposal may be revoked at any time before the communication of its acceptance is complete as against the proposer, but not afterwards.
    An acceptance may be revoked at any time before the communication of the acceptance is complete as against the acceptor, but not afterwards.
  • What are the rules of communication of acceptance?

    The communication must occur in the prescribed form, or any such form in the normal course of business if no specific form has been prescribed.
    Further, when the offeree accepts the proposal, he must have known that an offer was made.
    He cannot communicate acceptance without knowledge of the offer..

  • What is an offer when is the communication of an offer completed?

    Section 4 of the Indian Contract Act 1872 says that the communication of the offer is complete when it comes to the knowledge of the person it has been made to..

  • What is communication of an offer?

    Communication of offer in contract law is only complete when it is conveyed to the other party and is accepted by them.
    The offer can be dispatched through any common means such as post, email, telephone or through word of mouth..

  • What is communication or when communication is complete?

    The communication process is complete when the receiver confirms that he/she has understood the message..

  • What is the completion of communication of acceptance?

    The communication of acceptance is complete as against the proposer when it is put in the course of transmission to him so at to be out of the power of the acceptor.
    Against the acceptor – When it comes to the knowledge of the proposer.
    For example: 'A' proposes by letter, to sell a house to 'B' at a certain price..

  • When acceptance is complete in contract law?

    According to the Indian Contract Act, 1872, an offer is deemed to be completed only when it is followed by an acceptance from the party/parties to whom the offer has been made..

  • When communication is complete?

    The communication of a proposal is complete when it comes to the knowledge of the person to whom it is made. as against the proposer, when it is put in a course of transmission to him, so as to be out of the power of the acceptor; as against the acceptor, when it comes to the knowledge of the proposer..

  • Why is communication important in a contract?

    Clear communication is essential in contract negotiations because it helps the parties understand each other's intentions.
    By communicating clearly, both parties can ensure that they are on the same page regarding the terms of the contract, which can prevent misunderstandings and disputes down the road..

  • According to the Indian Contract Act, 1872, an offer is deemed to be completed only when it is followed by an acceptance from the party/parties to whom the offer has been made.
  • Communication of offer in contract law is only complete when it is conveyed to the other party and is accepted by them.
    The offer can be dispatched through any common means such as post, email, telephone or through word of mouth.
The communication of a proposal is complete when it comes to the knowledge of the person to whom it is made. as against the proposer, when it is put in a course of transmission to him so as to be out of the power of the acceptor; as against the acceptor, when it comes to the knowledge of the proposer.
The communication of a proposal is complete when it comes to the knowledge of the person to whom it is made. as against the proposer, when it is put in a course of transmission to him, so as to be out of the power of the acceptor; as against the acceptor, when it comes to the knowledge of the proposer.
The communication of a proposal is complete when it becomes to the knowledge of the person to whom it is made.

What is effective communication?

Effective communication is the process of exchanging ideas, thoughts, opinions, knowledge, and data so that the message is received and understood with clarity and purpose.
When we communicate effectively, both the sender and receiver feel satisfied.

What is the process of communication?

The process of communication starts with the sender.
This is the entity that will use the means of communication to share her thoughts.
The sender starts the communication cycle by deciding to convey her thoughts and chooses the format to use.
The sender manages her thoughts, seeks clarity and decides what exactly she wants to put forth.

When is the communication of a proposal complete?

Section 4:

  • Communication when complete. 4.
    The communication of a proposal is complete when it comes to the knowledge of the person to whom it is made. as against the proposer, when it is put in a course of transmission to him, so as to be out of the power of the acceptor; as against the acceptor, when it comes to the knowledge of the proposer.
  • When is the communication of an offer complete?

    Section 4 para 1 of the Act lays down that the communication of an offer is complete when it comes to the knowledge of the person to whom it is made.
    When an offer is made by post, its communication will be complete when the offeree receives the letter.

    When is the communication of a proposal complete?

    The communication of a proposal is complete when it becomes to the knowledge of the person to whom it is made

    The communication of an acceptance is complete-as against the proposer, when it is put in a course of transmission to him so at to be out of the power of the acceptor;as against the acceptor, when it comes to the knowledge of the proposer

    When is the communication of acceptance completed?

    The communication of acceptance is completed when the acceptance of the offer is communicated and comes to the knowledge of a person who makes the proposal

    This means, the offeror must be communicated properly and has knowledge that the offeree has been accepted the offer made by the offeror

    When is the communication of the offer complete?

    So, when is the communication of the offer is complete? when the offer comes to the knowledge of the person to whom it is made

    And, the communication of acceptance is completed when the acceptance to the offer is communicated and comes to the knowledge of a person who makes the proposal


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