Communication above and below the line

  • How do above the line and below the line behaviours impact leadership?

    As you'll remember from our Quick Guide to Conscious Leadership, below the line leadership occurs when a leader is closed, defensive, and committed to being right.
    On the contrary, above the line leadership occurs when a leader is open, curious, and committed to learning.Aug 15, 2020.

  • What is above and below the line communication?

    Above the Line, or ATL Marketing, refers to generally untargeted, massive campaigns to raise brand awareness and reach more people; below the Line, or BTL Marketing, refers to the much smaller and highly targeted world of ads, aimed at individuals and with easy to track returns on investment and a definitive audience; .

  • What is above and below the line conversation?

    At any point, a leader is either above the line or below the line.
    If you are above it, you are leading consciously, and if you are below it, you are not.
    Above the line, one is open, curious, and committed to learning.
    Below the line, one is closed, defensive, and committed to being right..

  • What is above the line below the line and through the line?

    Today's marketing activities can be divided into three categories: Above the Line (ATL), Below the Line (BTL), and Through the Line (TTL).
    Originally, the line has been used to distinguish between marketing operations with broad reach (above the line) and those with narrow reach (below the line)..

  • What is meant by above and below the line?

    Key Takeaways
    Above-the-line costs include all costs above the gross profit, while below-the-line costs include costs below gross profit.
    Above-the-line costs are often referred to as the cost of goods sold (COGS), while below-the-line is operating and interest expenses and taxes..

  • Why is it called above and below the line?

    The “line” initially existed to differentiate between marketing activities that seek to achieve mass penetration (above the line) and the marketing activities that were more specific and directed at specific groups (below the line)..

  • ATL (Above the Line) marketing refers to a form of marketing communication that uses mass media channels such as television, radio, print, outdoor advertising, and online media to reach a wide audience.
  • Below the line marketing provides you with more opportunity to build on the customer-brand relationship.
    It allows for a more personal, intimate, one-on-one point of contact.
    It is easier to track and promises an impressive return on investment.
    It is easier to keep an eye on the budget.
  • Below-the-line advertising is an advertising strategy where products are promoted in media other than mainstream radio or television.
    Below-the-line advertising campaigns include direct mail campaigns, trade shows, catalogs, and targeted search engine marketing.
  • Definition: The “line” generally refers to gross profit.
    Above that line on the income statement, typically, are sales and COGS (cost of goods sold) or COS (cost of sales or cost of services).
    Below the line are operating expenses, interest, and taxes.
The promotional activities carried out through mass media like television, radio, newspaper etc. is above the line promotion. The terms 'below-the-line' promotion or communications, refers to forms of non-media communication, even non-media advertising.
Above the line advertising – ATL is used when the focus is on mass media promotion to reach a large audience. ATL includes media such as radio, TV, print media 
Above the Line, or ATL Marketing, refers to generally untargeted, massive campaigns to raise brand awareness and reach more people; below the Line, or BTL Marketing, refers to the much smaller and highly targeted world of ads, aimed at individuals and with easy to track returns on investment and a definitive audience;
No matter how good the product or service is, the message needs to be clearly communicated. In effect, the two working in tandem would provide the best results. Above the line creates awareness amongst the mass audience while below the line helps to build relationships and influence the purchase decision.
When we communicate from above the line we are open to new ideas, we ask questions, and we are committed to growth and learning. Conversely, when we communicate from below the line, we are reactive, defensive, and committed to being right.

Above The Line Behaviors

Above the line behaviors indicate openness, security in one’s self, and the taking on of personal responsibility.
When someone operates from above the line they view life through the lens of a creator, as someone who is able to impact and learn from their environment, interpreting life through a “by me” lens.
They are open, curious, and committed t.

Above The Line Leadership in Everyday Life

Above the line leadership isn’t only applicable in professional settings.
The principles of above the line leadership can just as easily be applied to personal relationships.
By not being defensive, not assuming that you already know everything there is to know about a situation, and not feeling the need to defend being right, huge leaps forward ca.

Below The Line Behaviors

Below the line behaviors often indicate the presence of victimhood mentality or failure to take personal responsibility.
When someone operates from below the line they view life through the lens of a victim, always being at the affect of life and interpreting it through a “to me” lens.
They are closed, defensive, and committed to being right.

What is the difference between 'above the line' and 'below the line?

In this example, the TV commercial is a form of 'above the line' advertising and once in the store, the target customer is presented with 'below the line' promotional material such as:

  • store banners
  • competition entry forms etc.
    Promotion can be loosely classified as "above the line" and "below the line" promotion.
  • What happens if you are above the line in a conversation?

    When we are above the line, we are open to having our unconscious drivers challenged, which makes it less likely for them to skew the conversation

    Below the line, our conversations devalue people and situations

    They weaken relationships, inhibit creativity and critical thinking, and stand in the way of success

    Communication above and below the line
    Communication above and below the line
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