Communication exception c#

What are communicationexception derived exceptions?

There are other CommunicationException -derived exceptions that are designed to be used by other parts of the system.
These exception types are:

  • The endpoint address specified for listening is already in use.
    If present, provides more details about the transport error that caused this exception.
    For example.
  • What are exceptions in net?

    There is also general guidance around exceptions in .NET in the Design Guidelines for Exceptions document.
    All exceptions thrown by channels must be either a System.TimeoutException, System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException, or a type derived from CommunicationException.

    What is messagesecurityexception & communicationobjectfaultedexception?

    MessageSecurityException and CommunicationObjectFaultedException both extend from CommunicationException so makese sense that this catch caught both issues.
    You got CommunicationState.Created, closed, opened, faulted.
    I had to specifically call SSOClient.Open () to make my code work, just in case this helps someone.

    How are exceptions handled in net?

    Exceptions can be thrown by the NET runtime or by code in a program

    Once an exception is thrown, it propagates up the call stack until a catch statement for the exception is found

    Uncaught exceptions are handled by a generic exception handler provided by the system that displays a dialog box

    What are communicationexception derived exceptions?

    There are other CommunicationException -derived exceptions that are designed to be used by other parts of the system

    These exception types are: The endpoint address specified for listening is already in use

    If present, provides more details about the transport error that caused this exception

    For example

    I feel your pain with WCF's lack of useful exception detail. What you need to do is enable tracing which provides in-depth debugging information....Best answer · 8

    From what I see this is client site error. Looks like your WCF service failed and did not responded to the client, and client gave you this error m...0

    I had that sort of error when I tried to send large data structures over a webservice. The type being marked as [Serializable], it passed compilati...0


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