Communication from the commission

  • How does the European Union communicate?

    The Commission and Parliament communicate with the media, stakeholders and citizens about issues of EU interest, including EU policies and actions, by providing different information services through their own respective Directorates-General for Communication..

  • What is a Commission Communication?

    The Commission usually issues communications to evaluate policies as well as to identify problems in a certain policy area.
    The Commission may clarify current policies and provide a framework on how to interpret policies.
    The interpretation is non-binding..

  • What is better regulation Commission Communication?

    The Better Regulation agenda ensures evidence-based, transparent EU law-making based on the views of those impacted.
    The Commission evaluates and improves EU laws, focusing on delivering where it matters the most..

  • What is the Communication by the European Commission?

    The Directorate-General for Communication is the Commission department responsible for explaining EU policies to outside audiences.
    It keeps the Commission abreast of political developments and of trends in public opinion and the media..

  • What is the directorate of Communication in the EU?

    The Directorate-General for Communication is the Commission department responsible for explaining EU policies to outside audiences.
    It keeps the Commission abreast of political developments and of trends in public opinion and the media..

  • What is the meaning of EC Communication?

    Electronic communication means a communication transmitted by means of an electronic device, including, but not limited to: a telephone, cellular phone, computer, or pager..

  • Electronic communication means a communication transmitted by means of an electronic device, including, but not limited to: a telephone, cellular phone, computer, or pager.
  • The Commission and Parliament communicate with the media, stakeholders and citizens about issues of EU interest, including EU policies and actions, by providing different information services through their own respective Directorates-General for Communication.
  • The European Commission is composed of the College of Commissioners, with one member from each of the 27 European Union (EU) Member States.
The Commission usually issues communications to evaluate policies as well as to identify problems in a certain policy area. The Commission may clarify current 
The Directorate-General for Communication is the Commission department responsible for explaining EU policies to outside audiences. It keeps the Commission  ResponsibilitiesLeadership and organisation

How will the Commission strengthen its strategic communication capability?

The Commission, in cooperation with the European External Action Service will strengthen its strategic communication capability by first reinforcing the internal coordination of its communication activities aiming at tackling disinformation.

What does the Commission do?

The Commission usually issues communications to evaluate policies as well as to identify problems in a certain policy area.
The Commission may clarify current policies and provide a framework on how to interpret policies.
The interpretation is non-binding.

What is the Commission's report on rule of law?

Commission Communication ‘2022 Rule of Law Report - The rule of law situation in the European Union’, COM(2022) 500 final.
Commission Communication ‘On the European democracy action plan’, COM(2020) 790 final.
Commission Communication ‘Strategy to strengthen the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in the EU’, COM(2020) 711 final.

What types of Communications does the European Commission issue?

The European Commission issues a wide variety of communications.
Communications may include:

  • policy evaluations
  • commentary or explanations of action-programmes or brief outlines on future policies or arrangements concerning details of current policy.
    Policy proposals will never be put forward by means of a communication. 1.
  • What is the Commission's report on rule of law?

    Commission Communication ‘2022 Rule of Law Report - The rule of law situation in the European Union’, COM(2022) 500 final

    Commission Communication ‘On the European democracy action plan’, COM(2020) 790 final

    Commission Communication ‘Strategy to strengthen the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in the EU’, COM(2020) 711 final

    What is the role of the commission in enforcing directives?

    The Commission has a well-established system of monitoring and enforcing the swift and correct transposition of directives

    The implementation and enforcement of regulations is equally important – and although regulations have direct effect, this often relies on the work of national authorities

    What will the Commission do?

    Commission will also actively support further dialogue between the international financial institutions, the ILO, the UN and the WTO on the complementarity and consistency of their policies and the interdependence of economic growth, investment, trade and decent work

    Clause of European Union competition law

    Article 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) is aimed at preventing businesses in an industry from abusing their positions by colluding to fix prices or taking action to prevent new businesses from gaining a foothold in the industry.
    Its core role is the regulation of monopolies, which restrict competition in private industry and produce worse outcomes for consumers and society.
    It is the second key provision, after Article 101, in European Union (EU) competition law.


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