Communication through the ages

  • How communication has changed over the years?

    Letters became emails, telephones became smartphones and newspapers became the internet over the last few decades, with technology evolving at an increased pace.
    Smart phones don't just let us call people from anywhere, but also email, text, direct message and a thousand other methods of communication..

  • Old communication devices

    Technology of Communication Timeline

    Thousands of years BC Speech.Thousands of years BC Cave paintings, petragliphs.3300 BC Pictographic writing (hieroglyphics)1800 BC Cuneiform writing.1500 BC Alphabetic writing.450 BC Greek optical telegraph.60 BC Motion picture theorized (Lucretius, Gk).

  • Old communication devices

    Letters became emails, telephones became smartphones and newspapers became the internet over the last few decades, with technology evolving at an increased pace.
    Smart phones don't just let us call people from anywhere, but also email, text, direct message and a thousand other methods of communication..

  • Old communication devices

    Some of the oldest forms of human communication include talking or making sounds, drawing or painting, dancing, acting, and using symbols.
    Making sounds such as grunting or guttural sounds at a low pitch or high pitch would indicate either social communication or be a warning sign..

  • Old communication devices

    The oldest known form of communication were cave paintings.
    After them came pictograms that eventually evolved into ideograms.
    Fast forward to 3500 BC and the first cuneiform writing was developed by the Sumerians, while the Egyptians developed what is known as hieroglyphic writing..

  • Old forms of communication technology

    Some of the oldest forms of human communication include talking or making sounds, drawing or painting, dancing, acting, and using symbols.
    Making sounds such as grunting or guttural sounds at a low pitch or high pitch would indicate either social communication or be a warning sign..

  • What are the age old methods of communication?

    The older methods of communication were cave paintings, smoke signals, symbols, carrier pigeons, and telegraph.
    The latest and modern ways are more convenient and efficient.
    For example, Television, Cell Phones, Internet, E-mails, Social media, and Text messaging.Jan 22, 2021.

  • What are the ages of communication history?

    The history of communication itself can be traced back since the origin of speech circa 100,069 BCE.
    The use of technology in communication may be considered since the first use of symbols about 30,000 years BCE.
    Among the symbols used, there are cave paintings, petroglyphs, pictograms and ideograms..

  • What are the ages of communication?

    The five communications eras I have identified, the mimetic, the oral, the literate, the electric and the electronic represent the various stages in the evolution of the media ecosystem from the origins of human life to today's communication environment..

  • What are the different ages of communication?

    The Age of Signs and Signals.
    Prehistoric humans were physically unable to talk. The Age of Speech and Language.
    Man's first achievement was speech and language. The Age of Writing. The Age of Print. The Mass Communication Age. The Age of Information Revolution..

  • What are the stages of communication in history?

    Technology of Communication Timeline

    Thousands of years BC Speech.Thousands of years BC Cave paintings, petragliphs.3300 BC Pictographic writing (hieroglyphics)1800 BC Cuneiform writing.1500 BC Alphabetic writing.450 BC Greek optical telegraph.60 BC Motion picture theorized (Lucretius, Gk).

  • Why communication is important in this era?

    Effective communication can help to resolve or avoid problems and/ or conflicts.
    It helps you connect with others and share ideas.
    Effective communication clarifies information, reducing wasted time.
    Helps builds relationships, teamwork, and trust..

Sep 13, 2023Oral communication was once the only means for passing one's ancestry to the next generation or spooking them with a frightening ghost story.

How does Generation X communicate with younger people?

According to an article from Getting Smart, Generation X prefers receiving and using short, brief messages as opposed to lengthy ones.
The ability to utilize forms of digital technology enables Generation X to connect with younger people, such as:

  • millennials or Generation Z.
  • How has communication changed over time?

    Over time, the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and messages has become easier with shiny new technologies.
    Here is a look at the evolution of communication throughout the ages, and the methods and tools that have helped connect us all.
    Through the Ages The Big Bang 5-7M..

    How do people communicate?

    From the printing press to Instagram, technological advances shape how people communicate

    Humans communicate in various ways

    They have been writing to each other since the fourth millennium BCE, when one of the earliest writing systems, cuneiform, was developed in Mesopotamia

    How has communication changed over time?

    Over time, the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and messages has become easier with shiny new technologies

    Here is a look at the evolution of communication throughout the ages, and the methods and tools that have helped connect us all

    Through the Ages The Big Bang 5-7M


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