Ages of communication

  • How old is the communication?

    Some of the oldest forms of human communication include talking or making sounds, drawing or painting, dancing, acting, and using symbols..

  • What are the 4 eras in the evolution of human communication?

    Four eras of communication are: Oral Era (During this era, communication was primarily based on spoken words, passed down through generations in the form of stories, myths, and legends); the Written Era (The written era emerged with the invention of writing systems, which allowed information to be recorded and .

  • What are the 4 oldest forms of communication?

    Aging is responsible for physiologic changes in hearing, voice, and speech processes.
    A person's age can be predicted with fair accuracy by speech characteristics including voice tremor, pitch, speaking rate, loudness, and fluency.
    Some language skills remain intact, whereas others tend to decline..

  • What are the 4 oldest forms of communication?

    The oldest known form of communication were cave paintings.
    After them came pictograms that eventually evolved into ideograms.
    Fast forward to 3500 BC and the first cuneiform writing was developed by the Sumerians, while the Egyptians developed what is known as hieroglyphic writing..

  • What are the 5 eras of communication?

    The purpose of this section is to update this division and show that there are actual five distinct periods of human communication namely, the pre-verbal, the oral, the literate, the electric and the electronic ages..

  • What are the different ages of communication?

    Some of the oldest forms of human communication include talking or making sounds, drawing or painting, dancing, acting, and using symbols..

  • What are the different ages of communication?

    The use of technology in communication may be considered since the first use of symbols about 30,000 years BCE.
    Among the symbols used, there are cave paintings, petroglyphs, pictograms and ideograms.
    Writing was a major innovation, as well as printing technology and, more recently, telecommunications and the Internet..

  • What is the communication age in media?

    The Communication Age is an age in which communication, technology, and media converge and deeply permeate daily life.
    Convergence refers to the ways in which the many forms of technologically mediated and face-to-face communication overlap and intersect in our daily lives..

  • What is the impact of age in communication?

    Changes to speech and voice
    As you age, you lose some muscle strength and flexibility.
    You may also have a drier mouth.
    Talking does not need a lot of muscle strength, so your speaking may remain clear.
    However, you may need more time to say longer or more complex words..

  • Where did communication start?

    Technology of Communication Timeline

    Thousands of years BC Speech.Thousands of years BC Cave paintings, petragliphs.3300 BC Pictographic writing (hieroglyphics)1800 BC Cuneiform writing.1500 BC Alphabetic writing.450 BC Greek optical telegraph.60 BC Motion picture theorized (Lucretius, Gk).

  • Indeed the development of communication by writing was a basic step in the advance of civilization.
    Yet writing is little more than 5,000 years old.
    The oldest writings that have come down to the present day are inscriptions on clay tablets made by the Sumerians in about 3100 bc.
  • The oldest known form of communication were cave paintings.
    After them came pictograms that eventually evolved into ideograms.
34-36) Innis and McLuhan identified three communication eras, oral, written and electric. The purpose of this section is to update this division and show that there are actual five distinct periods of human communication namely, the pre-verbal, the oral, the literate, the electric and the electronic ages.
34-36) Innis and McLuhan identified three communication eras, oral, written and electric. The purpose of this section is to update this division and show that there are actual five distinct periods of human communication namely, the pre-verbal, the oral, the literate, the electric and the electronic ages.
Although Innis and McLuhan think of oral communication as the first form of human communication there was an earlier form of communication identified by MerlinĀ 
The five communications eras I have identified, the mimetic, the oral, the literate, the electric and the electronic represent the various stages in the evolution of the media ecosystem from the origins of human life to today's communication environment.

What are the 5 eras of communication?

McLuhan (McLuhan, 1964as cited in Logan, 2002 classifies the history of human communication into five periods: tribal age (pre-literate), age of literacy, the print age, electronic age, and lastly the new media cultures (Logan, 2002)

The electronic age was marked by the invention of television and the radio in 1906

What is the Second Age of communication?

The second age of communication began with writing

The earliest known writing may turn out to be symbols found in paleolithic art dating back tens of thousands of years, although whether or not these early symbols communicate information in the manner usually ascribed to writing remains speculative

Impact of aging on society

Aging has a significant impact on society.
People of different ages and gender tend to differ in many aspects, such as legal and social responsibilities, outlooks on life, and self-perceptions.
Young people tend to have fewer legal privileges, they are more likely to push for political and social change, to develop and adopt new technologies, and to need education.
Older people have different requirements from society and government, and frequently have differing values as well, such as for property and pension rights.
Older people are also more likely to vote, and in many countries the young are forbidden from voting.
Thus, the aged have comparatively more, or at least different, political influence.


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