Communication passport

  • How do communication passports work?

    A communication passport is intended to give a brief snapshot about the person's likes, dislikes, how they communicate and how best to communicate with them.
    It is different from an in-depth person-centred plan or an essential lifestyle plan..

  • What are the advantages of communication passports?


    Accessible and easily understood by all.Highly personalized and presents the person as an individual.Tells newcomers how to best communicate with the individual.Presents most important information quickly and in one place which reduces repetition and frustration..

  • What are the disadvantages of a communication passport?


    Time consuming due to individualized nature.
    Needs to be updated as the person develops.Potential users must know that the child/adult has a Passport in order for it to be useful.Cost- free or low-cost to create..

  • What do you put in a communication passport?

    A communication passport is intended to give a brief snapshot about the person's likes, dislikes, how they communicate and how best to communicate with them.
    It is different from an in-depth person-centred plan or an essential lifestyle plan..

  • What does a communication passport look like?

    What does a Communication Passport look like? A Passport is written from the child's point of view and is easy to understand.
    It should have photos and pictures so the child can enjoy reading it, will want to show it, and be involved in adding new things to it..

  • What is the basic communication passport?

    A Communication Passport does this by:
    Describing the person's most effective means of communication, so that others can be better communication partners.
    Drawing together information from past and present, from many people who know the person, and from different contexts..

  • What is the early years communication passport?

    Passports can be very useful in helping new staff/strangers to quickly understand the child's personal needs.
    Who needs one? Passports can be used for any non-verbal child or adult of any age.
    They should be reviewed at least once a year or every six months if the child is very young..

  • What is the purpose of a communication passport?

    What is a communication passport ? A communication passport is intended to give a brief snapshot about the person's likes, dislikes, how they communicate and how best to communicate with them.
    It is different from an in-depth person-centred plan or an essential lifestyle plan..

  • Who needs a communication passport?

    For anyone who needs help to communicate important information about themselves.
    It makes sure information is shared - not lost or locked away - and saves misunderstandings. tells others the things that matter about the child..

  • Who uses communication passport?

    Communication passports are person-centred booklets for children, young people and adults who cannot easily speak for themselves.
    Passports are a way of pulling complex information together and presenting it in an easy-to-follow format.Jan 1, 2017.

  • Weaknesses:

    Time consuming due to individualized nature.
    Needs to be updated as the person develops.Potential users must know that the child/adult has a Passport in order for it to be useful.Cost- free or low-cost to create.
  • Communication passports are a tool for supporting people who cannot easily speak for themselves by making information from formal assessments easily accessible to all.
    A good communication passport accurately describes communication strengths and needs, and contains information about the person in a very clear way.
  • Communication passports are person-centred booklets for children, young people and adults who cannot easily speak for themselves.
    Passports are a way of pulling complex information together and presenting it in an easy-to-follow format.Jan 1, 2017
  • Digital communication passports can make the transition of services easier for not only for service users but their families.
    Gone are the days when information is repeated to professionals.
    All information will be provided in an individual's communication passport.
    Digital communication passports are the way forward.
  • Passports can be very useful in helping new staff/strangers to quickly understand the child's personal needs.
    Who needs one? Passports can be used for any non-verbal child or adult of any age.
    They should be reviewed at least once a year or every six months if the child is very young.
A communication passport is a way of supporting a young person with communication difficulties as they transition to a new school, classroom or environment. It gives the young person a voice to share information about themselves. They are used as an introduction to the person and as a way of starting a conversation.
A communication passport is intended to give a brief snapshot about the person's likes, dislikes, how they communicate and how best to communicate with them. It is different from an in-depth person-centred plan or an essential lifestyle plan.
A communication passport is a vital tool in 'joined–up' inter-agency planning and working. It promotes partnership with families, and is an excellent a way of 
A communication passport is a way of supporting a vulnerable person with communication difficulties across transitions, drawing together complex information (including the person's own views, as much as possible) and distilling it into a clear, positive and accessible format.
Communication passport
Communication passport

Travel documents for stateless persons

Nansen passports, originally and officially stateless persons passports, were internationally recognized refugee travel documents from 1922 to 1938, first issued by the League of Nations's Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees to stateless refugees.
They quickly became known as Nansen passports for their promoter, the Norwegian statesman and polar explorer Fridtjof Nansen.


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