Communication ways in the past

  • How communication has changed from past to present?

    The earliest known timekeeping devices appeared in Egypt and Mesopotamia, around 3500 BCE.
    Sundials consisted of a tall vertical or diagonal-standing object used to measure the time, called a gnomon.
    Sundials were able to measure time (with relative accuracy) by the shadow caused by the gnomon..

  • How communication has changed from past to present?

    The oldest known form of communication were cave paintings.
    After them came pictograms that eventually evolved into ideograms.
    Fast forward to 3500 BC and the first cuneiform writing was developed by the Sumerians, while the Egyptians developed what is known as hieroglyphic writing..

  • How did people communicate in the past essay?

    There were not many ways of communication that people could use in order to talk with each other.
    People were communicating face to face and with the invention of paper, they started to write messages to one another.
    In addition, they used animals such as pigeons and horses to convey their messages.Jan 16, 2020.

  • How was the communication carried out in earlier times?

    the ancient times, messages were sent by playing the Dhol (drum ),by smoke by pigeons and through other animals.
    In modern communications nail service telephone mobile telephone..

  • What are 5 ways of communication in the past?

    Letters became emails, telephones became smartphones and newspapers became the internet over the last few decades, with technology evolving at an increased pace.
    Smart phones don't just let us call people from anywhere, but also email, text, direct message and a thousand other methods of communication..

  • What are 5 ways of communication in the past?

    The oldest known form of communication were cave paintings.
    After them came pictograms that eventually evolved into ideograms.
    Fast forward to 3500 BC and the first cuneiform writing was developed by the Sumerians, while the Egyptians developed what is known as hieroglyphic writing..

  • What is an example of olden communication?

    Some of the oldest forms of human communication include talking or making sounds, drawing or painting, dancing, acting, and using symbols.
    Making sounds such as grunting or guttural sounds at a low pitch or high pitch would indicate either social communication or be a warning sign.Feb 8, 2017.

  • What is the first communication method from the past?

    The oldest known form of communication were cave paintings.
    After them came pictograms that eventually evolved into ideograms.
    Fast forward to 3500 BC and the first cuneiform writing was developed by the Sumerians, while the Egyptians developed what is known as hieroglyphic writing..

  • What is the oldest way of communication?

    Letters became emails, telephones became smartphones and newspapers became the internet over the last few decades, with technology evolving at an increased pace.
    Smart phones don't just let us call people from anywhere, but also email, text, direct message and a thousand other methods of communication..

  • What is the oldest way of communication?

    The most common means of non-written communication is speech.
    Other means include sign language and smoke signals, which were used by the Chinese and several other cultures.
    The ancient Inca of Peru even used knots called quipus as a means of communication..

  • What were communication skills in the olden days?

    In 1900, communicating was simple.
    You could talk to somebody.
    You could write a letter.
    You could read ink, printed on paper..

The older methods of communication were cave paintings, smoke signals, symbols, carrier pigeons, and telegraph. The latest and modern ways are more convenient and efficient. For example, Television, Cell Phones, Internet, E-mails, Social media, and Text messaging.
×Some of the past ways of communication are:
  • Cave paintings: The oldest methods of communicating, dating back to prehistoric times.
  • Symbols and signs: Different signs and symbols were used to deliver messages, such as hieroglyphs and runes.
  • Smoke signals: These signals were used to send messages over long distances, especially by Indigenous tribes.
  • Pigeon post: Pigeons were used to carry messages, as they have a good sense of direction and can fly fast.
  • Snail mail: The postal system of sending letters and parcels through couriers or post offices.
  • Newspapers: Printed publications that contain news, information, and advertisements.
  • Electrical telegraph: A device that used electric signals to transmit messages over wires.
  • Telephone: A device that allowed voice communication over long distances.


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