Communication for development approaches

  • 'Communication for development' (C.
    1. D) is based on participatory models that recognise local knowledge and local people as the key actors to facilitate their own change
  • How does development support communication?

    The practice of Development Support Communication, DSC, is a multi-sectoral process of information sharing about development agendas and planned actions.
    It links planners, beneficiaries and implementers of development action, including the donor community..

  • What are the 4 approaches of communication?

    There are four main types of communication we use on a daily basis: verbal, nonverbal, written and visual..

  • What are the approaches to communication development?

    Three approaches have been identified in relating communication to development.
    These are empathy, diffusion, and multiplying of information..

  • What are the approaches to communication?

    There are various different methods of communication.
    This includes verbal communication, non-verbal communication, listening, written communication and visual communication.
    Research has shown that non-verbal cues and body language, facial expressions and tone of voice account for almost 55% of all communication..

  • What are the areas of practice for development communication?

    Aspects of development communication which the CDC has extensively explored include Development Broadcasting and Telecommunications, Development Journalism, Educational Communication, Science Communication, Strategic Communication, and Health Communication..

  • What are the various approaches to development?

    Human development refers to development that is focused on people and expanding their opportunities.
    There are four distinct human development approaches the income approach, welfare approach, capability approach, and basic needs approach..

  • What is the diffusion approach of communication for development?


    1. The diffusion model This model sees the communication process mainly as a message going from a sender to a receiver.
    2. Modernization is conceived as a process of diffusion whereby individuals move from a traditional way of life to a different, more technically developed and more rapidly changing way of life.

  • C.
    1. D uses a combination of complementary and mutually reinforcing approaches including behaviour change communication, social change communication, social mobilization and advocacy.
    2. Behaviour change communication (BCC) is the strategic use of communication to promote positive health, education and other outcomes.
  • Institutional approach focuses on education for development.
    The emphasis is on literacy-universal education, adult education, formal and non-formal education.
A development strategy that uses communication approaches can reveal people's underlying attitudes and traditional wisdom, help people to adapt their views and to acquire new knowledge and skills, and spread new social messages to large audiences.
C4D uses a combination of complementary and mutually reinforcing approaches including behaviour change communication, social change communication, social mobilization and advocacy.

What are development communication techniques?

This refers to the use of strategic communication to facilitate the alleviation of social problems in evolving societies.
Development communication techniques include:

  • information dissemination and education
  • behaviour change
  • social marketing
  • social mobilization
  • media advocacy
  • communication for social change and community participation.
  • What is development support communication approach?

    • Development support communication approach:

  • development support communication system will continuously emphasis the appropriate motivation for the ongoing support to sectoral development programmes. 8.
    KEY ISSUES ABOUT DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATION • Communications” and “communication” are not the same thing communication.
  • What is the philosophy of development communication?

    Jamias (1975) articulated the philosophy of development communication which is anchored on three main ideas, namely:

  • purposive
  • value-laden and pragmatic.
    Wilkins and Mody (2001) defined development communication as a process of strategic intervention towards social change, initiated by institutions and communities.
  • Why is communication for development important?

    The belief is that while mass media allows for the learning of new ideas, interpersonal networks encourage the shift from knowledge to continued practice.
    Communication for development has thus come to be seen as a way to amplify voice, facilitate meaningful participation, and foster social change.

    How can communication for development support adolescent and youth engagement?

    Promoting and supporting adolescent and youth engagement

    A key consideration of Communication for Development is the placement of children at the centre of the programme, allowing children and adolescents to act as the primary change makers on causes that affect them, and effectively contribute to the achievement of the SDGs

    What is communication for development (ComDev)?

    Communication for Development (ComDev) is a driver in agriculture and rural development

    It is a results-oriented communication process based on dialogue and participation

    ComDev can maximize the impact and sustainability of development initiatives, facilitating knowledge sharing, informed decision-making and collective action

    Why is communication for development important?

    A WASH C4D knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) study conducted by UNICEF confirmed high retention of messages, and that C4D activities promoted behaviour change in relation to the use of latrines and adoption of personal hygiene practices

    Communication for Development is also crucial in combatting the outbreak of a health emergency


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