Language and communication development in down syndrome

  • How does Down syndrome affect communication and language development?

    Overall, the development of speech and language skills is delayed compared to typically developing peers.
    Many children with Down syndrome develop non-verbal skills, such as gesturing and sign, earlier than they develop verbal communication skills..

  • How does Down syndrome affect communication in children?

    Children with Down's syndrome often need extra time to respond.
    Watch carefully, pause and wait when interacting with your child.
    It may take him longer to process what he sees and hears.
    It may also take him longer to respond by moving, gesturing, signing, vocalising or speaking..

  • Is Down syndrome a developmental language disorder?

    Although there is considerable variability, most individuals with Down syndrome have mental retardation and speech and language deficits, particularly in language production and syntax and poor speech intelligibility..

  • What are the communication skills of people with Down syndrome?

    The most common communication problems for adults with Down syndrome are that their speech may be difficult to understand (speech intelligibility) and that they have difficulty with long conversations, with telling about what happened to them or retelling a story, and with asking for specific clarifications when they .

  • What are the speech and language goals for students with Down syndrome?

    The main goal of speech and language therapy for children with Down syndrome is to maximize each individual's communication skills to their highest potential.
    They must be able to use their skills independently across their home, educational, and social environments..

  • What is the language and communication in individuals with Down syndrome?

    For individuals with Down syndrome, receptive language abilities are typically higher than expressive language abilities, meaning that a person can understand more than they can communicate to other people.
    Language can also be divided into emerging language and higher-level language skills..

  • What is the language and communication of Down syndrome?

    Despite considerable individual variability, the language and communication characteristics of individuals with Down syndrome follow a common profile.
    Receptive language is typically stronger than expressive language, and vocabulary is stronger than syntax..

  • What is the speech and language development for individuals with Down syndrome?

    Most children with Down syndrome show specific productive delays, first in being able to say single words and then in being able to produce sequences of words.
    Their comprehension for vocabulary, grammar and syntax is is usually greater than their productive skill suggests..

  • What methods of communication do Down syndrome use?

    Support your child's spoken communication with lots of visual cues.
    For example, you can use gestures, objects, pictures and photos alongside speech, when you interact with your child.
    You can also learn a signing system (such as Makaton and Signalong)..

  • Why does Down syndrome affect communication?

    Speech production of individuals with Down syndrome may be related to differences in oral structure and function (Miller & Leddy, 1998; Stoel-Gammon, 1997).
    Structural differences include a small oral cavity with a relatively large tongue and a narrow, high arched palate..

  • Although there is considerable variability, most individuals with Down syndrome have mental retardation and speech and language deficits, particularly in language production and syntax and poor speech intelligibility.
  • Most children with Down syndrome show specific productive delays, first in being able to say single words and then in being able to produce sequences of words.
    Their comprehension for vocabulary, grammar and syntax is is usually greater than their productive skill suggests.
  • People with Down syndrome should always be referred to as people first.
    Instead of a "Down syndrome child," it should be "a child with Down syndrome." It is preferred to say "Down syndrome" rather than "Down's syndrome." Also avoid using "Down's child" or calling it "Down's."
The timing of development of first words varies greatly in children with Down syndrome, ranging from 1 year to 5 years of age. Children with Down syndrome are often capable of learning to use signs or pictures to communicate much sooner (even as early as 10-12 months of age) than verbal speech skills develop.
Language development for children with Down syndrome Spoken language is delayed relative to cognitive development - Most children with Down syndrome develop spoken language skills more slowly than their non-verbal mental abilities. They have therefore been described as having a specific speech and language delay.
Overall, the development of speech and language skills is delayed compared to typically developing peers. Many children with Down syndrome develop non-verbal skills, such as gesturing and sign, earlier than they develop verbal communication skills.
Overall, the development of speech and language skills is delayed compared to typically developing peers. Many children with Down syndrome develop non-verbal skills, such as gesturing and sign, earlier than they develop verbal communication skills.

Does speech-language therapy help children and teens with Down syndrome?

Because of these factors and differences in social communication, children and teens with Down syndrome benefit from Speech-Language Therapy that supports their language development.
Early strategies for language development focus on supporting parents to provide an enriched language environment at an appropriate developmental level.

How does Down syndrome affect language and communication?

Although there is considerable variability, most individuals with Down syndrome have mental retardation and speech and language deficits, particularly in language production and syntax and poor speech intelligibility.
This article describes research findings in the language and communication develop … .

Intervention Studies

There are some research studies exploring the effectiveness of language interventions for children with Down syndrome.
Although many more are needed, we can identify some guidance from those available:.
1) Intensity is important - Researchers in the USA have shown that intervention sessions for toddlers provided 5 times each week over 9 months can l.

Language Development For Children with Down Syndrome

Children with Down syndrome develop more slowly than typically developing children, and language skills are are an area of particular difficulty.
In addition, some aspects of speech and language development are more delayed than others.
This pattern is sometimes referred to as a profile of relative strengths and weaknesses.[2-4].
1) Spoken language .

Learning to Talk

Children learn to talk from the first year of life as they are talked to and begin to understand that the words they hear around them have meaning.
Children learn to talk in an orderly developmental pattern - including children with Down syndrome.[1-4] When considering how children learn to talk it is helpful to identify four components which under.

Should written and verbal language development be disregarded for students with Down syndrome?

Written and verbal language development should not be disregarded for students with Down syndrome because it is altogether possible with proper intervention.

Why is writing difficult for children with Down syndrome?

Writing and reading may develop before speaking in children with Down syndrome Handwriting is difficult for children with Down syndrome because of hypotonia Spelling is a challenge because of delayed or impaired abilities in speech, hearing, and memory of language Why is early intervention important? .

Why This Pattern?

A number of factors probably contribute to the pattern of speech and language development observed among children with Down syndrome.
These also provide some guidance for intervention.
1) Hearing loss - Many children with Down syndrome experience hearing loss in the early years and this has been shown to influence their spoken language development..

How does Down syndrome affect language and communication?

Although there is considerable variability, most individuals with Down syndrome have mental retardation and speech and language deficits, particularly in language production and syntax and poor speech intelligibility

This article describes research findings in the language and communication develop …

What are three perspectives on speech in children with Down's syndrome?

Three perspectives on the speech of children with Down’s syndrome

17 (2), 87–94 )

First words in the second year: Continuity, stability, and models of concurrent and predictive correspondence in vocabulary and verbal responsiveness across age and context

, 22 (1), 65–85 )

Articulation in Down’s syndrome adolescents and adults

When does a child with Down syndrome develop intentional communication skills?

Pointing (6-10 months), and responding to names, emotional intonation, and words (3-6 months) are indicative of a progression towards the intentional communication stage

Most children with Down syndrome develop good prelinguistic skills; they perform intentional behaviors and use early gestures effectively

Examples of intentional behaviors include pointing, responding to pointing, gestures, signs, eye-contact, and joint attention betwee…
Asperger syndrome (AS) was formerly a separate diagnosis under autism spectrum disorder.
Under the DSM-5 and ICD-11, patients formerly diagnosable with Asperger syndrome are diagnosable with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
The term is considered offensive by some autistic individuals.
It was named after Hans Asperger (1906–80), who was an Austrian psychiatrist and pediatrician.
An English psychiatrist, Lorna Wing, popularized the term Asperger's syndrome in a 1981 publication; the first book in English on Asperger syndrome was written by Uta Frith in 1991 and the condition was subsequently recognized in formal diagnostic manuals later in the 1990s.


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